
Vítejte v kronikách muže Taurus!
Jedna z mých oblíbených věcí na práci astrologa vztahů
je nejen příležitost pomoci vám najít a udržet si lásku
, kterou si zasloužíte, ale také příležitost budovat vztahy se
ženami, jako jste vy!
Po přečtení mých knih mě ženy z celého světa
oslovily, aby se podělily o své příběhy a otázky. Bylo tak
dojemné a úžasné, kolik žen bylo ochotných být otevřených
a zranitelných a sdílet své zkušenosti s úspěchem a 
zlomeným srdcem s muži Býka v jejich životě. Když jsem četl a odpovídal na e-maily, stále se mi v mysli
opakovala jedna myšlenka . Nebylo by úžasné, kdyby existoval způsob, jak některé z nich sdílet

opravdu úžasné příběhy, otázky a odpovědi nejen s 
konkrétními dámami, které napsaly, ale se všemi? S každou
ženou všude, stejně jako vy, jejichž boj s jejím
Býkem je milostný zájem, partner, zájmová osoba nebo ex?
Nebylo by skvělé, kdybychom se VŠICHNI mohli učit ze vzájemných
Proč ne? zeptal jsem se sám sebe.
Proto se zrodily Kroniky muže Taurus!
V této knize najdete formu otázek a odpovědí, která vám pomůže
prozkoumat všechny možné aspekty života s mužem Býkem. Protože
astrologické rady jsou užitečné v průvodci, jako je
Tajemství muže Taurus a v mnoha mých dalších knihách. Ale nic se nevyrovná
muž Býk funguje!
Objevte všechna jeho tajemství na TaurusManSecrets.com
Jen poznámka, než začneme, z úcty a lásky ke
zranitelnosti a soukromí naší komunity jsem změnil
jména a identifikační údaje. Podstata příběhů je
naprosto pravdivá a byly vytvořeny ženami, jako jste vy. Ale
buďte ujištěni, že pokud se někdy obrátíte na otázku nebo příběh, budu 
respektovat vaše soukromí přesně stejným způsobem, jakým to dělám u 
žen, které přispěly do tohoto průvodce. Občas jsem se rozhodl
zahrnout podrobnosti o grafu narození, abych ilustroval potřebné body,
ale záměrně jsem odstranil identifikační informace. Takže ty
nenajde přesné podrobnosti, které by vám pomohly určit, kdo je kdo,
ale to je v pořádku.
Jde o to, že dostáváte dobré věci. Dostáváte
skutečné detaily, na kterých záleží. S tím, co bylo řečeno, neváhejte a přečtěte
si tuto příručku. Můžete začít s příběhy, které s 
vámi rezonují, nebo si je všechny jen přečíst, abyste lépe porozuměli tomu, co by
se MOHLO stát v budoucnu, i když se to ještě nestalo.
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Otázky týkající se komunikace a kompatibility
Adrienne je žena s rakovinou, která byla s mužem Býka. Mezi svými
obavami uvádí:

Dobrý den Adrienne,
mezi ženou Rakem a 
mužem Býkem existuje velká potenciální shoda, takže vaše schopnost porozumět si je velmi silná. Zní
to jako to, na co se díváte, i když je klíčový rozdíl mezi vaší
povahou vodního znamení jako ženy Raka a jeho povahou zemského znamení jako 
muže Býka.
To znamená, že jako žena s rakovinou hledáte emocionální potvrzení a 
pohodlí. Hledá fyzické potvrzení a pohodlí. Věřte svým
instinktům. Nebude v jeho stylu otevřeně vyjadřovat své emoce,
i když je šťastný.
Objevte všechna jeho tajemství na TaurusManSecrets.com
píšu o svém muži Býkovi... V rozhovoru se drží zpátky.
Své city dává najevo jen výjimečně.
Stále z něj láska neteče.
Nevím, co hledá ohledně sexu, protože je tak
Říká, že kdyby neměl zájem, nezůstal by mě slyšet.
Nevím, jak od něj získat lásku, kterou potřebuji...
Adrienne, Rak
Myslete na svého muže Býka jako na kočku. Umí být láskyplný, ale
potřebuje mít pohodlí a to je pro něj to nejdůležitější.
Protože jste uvedl jeho datum narození, mohl jsem se podívat na jeho
tabulku. Má také Venuši v Býku, takže má opravdu rád smyslnost a 
pohodlí, ale také potřebuje cítit jistotu a obdiv.
Také muž Býk se notoricky pohybuje pomalu. Pokud je rozvedený,
bude extra opatrný, protože nechce být znovu zraněn. Takže
když se zdá, že nereaguje na vaši lásku, přemýšlejte o tom takto, je
jako kámen. Jsi jako řeka. Řeka nějakou dobu trvá, než vyhladí
tvrdou skálu. Muž Býk není snadno ovlivnitelný. Chce to čas a 
Můžete si být jisti, že udržíte lásku naživu a potěšíte ho tím, že
budete dbát na jeho fyzické pohodlí. Smyslnost jde u 
muže Býka daleko. Hledejte známky toho, že na vás reaguje prostřednictvím svých
fyzických akcí, i když nedává své emoce najevo tak, jak
byste to dělali vy.
Pomozte mu cítit se pohodlně a bezpečně. Ujistěte se, že jeho okolí není
příliš hlučné. Jednou z vašich největších předností jako ženy s rakovinou je vytvořit
pocit, že jste doma.
Vneste do vztahu s ním tu zvláštní intuici a kouzlo . Zahajte fyzický kontakt a náklonnost, ale
neberte si to osobně, pokud nemá vždy náladu. Potřebuje čas na to, aby
byl laskavý, a také potřebuje nějaký čas pro sebe.
Ukažte mu, že si vážíte jeho i sebe a on se bude cítit bezpečně.
Pracujte na způsobech, jak se udržet při zemi, a on bude ujištěn, že
vám může věřit.
Objevte všechna jeho tajemství na TaurusManSecrets.com
Leah's Story- "Je tak uzavřený!"
ahoj Leah,
Děkuji moc, že ​​jste se ozvali se svým dotazem.
Nejprve chci zdůraznit, že vy a vaše láska Býka, Gastone, máte 
dobrý základ pro pevný vztah, protože jste oba zemská
znamení. Ale vaše styly budou mít jemné rozdíly, protože jeho znamení,
Býk, je ovládáno Venuší. Jeho primární motivací je potěšení a pocit
bezpečí a pohodlí.
Vašemu znamení, Panně, vládne Merkur. Z vaší otázky
, zda na vás myslí, je dokonce vidět, že se zabýváte tím, co má
na mysli. Merkur vás dělá analytickými. Chcete vědět, jak věci
fungují. Nejbezpečněji se cítíte, když rozumíte a když věci dávají
logický smysl.
Přirozeně z toho plyne, že čím více někdo člověka miluje, tím více to
dává předvídatelným způsobem najevo.
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Ahoj Anno!
Chci vědět, jestli o mě můj chlap, Gaston, stojí. Zdá se, že
se o sebe a své koníčky stará víc než já.
Je to normální?
Jsme spolu něco málo přes 2 roky.
Je to Býk. I když je důsledný, zdá se, že se nikdy
nepřiblíží a místo toho mě staví za své jiné zájmy.
Jdu do cesty po jeho cílech a zálibách. Je tak uzavřený!
Ale není tomu tak vždy.
Muž Býk může někoho milovat, cítit se bezpečně ve vztahu a pak
věnují spoustu času práci nebo koníčkům, protože mají pocit, že
doma je všechno v pořádku. Jinými slovy, právě ta věc, díky které se cítí
tak bezpečně a spokojeně se vztahem, vás může nechat cítit právě
naopak, nebo jen hádat, zda jste prioritou.
Muž Býk je motivován tím, čeho si cení a díky čemu se cítí
bezpečně. Najděte praktické způsoby, jak do svých
rutin vnést bezpečí a pohodlí (jako Panna na to máte úžasnou schopnost) a pracujte
na společných zájmech a zálibách, které můžete sdílet.
I přesto je pravděpodobné, že bude také potřebovat svůj prostoj, klíčové je udržet ho
v rovnováze.
Nebojte se také naplánovat společný čas a společné plány. The
klíčové je nesoutěžit se svými koníčky, ale nabídnout stejný požadovaný
efekt, který hledá. Ať dělá cokoli, muž Býk se vždy snaží
cítit se fyzicky dobře nebo se cítit bezpečně.
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Co to znamená, když se stáhne?
Ahoj Teri,
moc mě mrzí, že prožíváš takovou bolest a 
zármutek. Ano, vím, že to může být zničující, když se muž Býk, kterého
milujete, náhle odtáhne.
I když neznám podrobnosti o situaci mezi vámi dvěma, mohu 
vám nabídnout určitou perspektivu na základě toho, co vím o obou
vašich znameních.
Existuje mnoho důvodů, proč se muž Býk odtahuje. Vaše instinkty o an
zájem o někoho jiného může být správný, ale také nemusí být.
Bez ohledu na to, co se právě teď děje v jeho světě, jednu věc víte
jistě, nereaguje tak, jak býval. Pro muže Býka je
každý jeho pohyb o zvážení nákladů a přínosů. Každé rozhodnutí
je o tom, jak se udržet v bezpečí a pohodlí jak fyzicky, tak
emocionálně a finančně, celých devět yardů.
To znamená, že se hodně vypne, když cítí, že něco není v pořádku nebo
že je zahlcen nebo možná vykořeněn. Co v něm může způsobit
takový pocit? Zájem o někoho jiného, ​​jistě. Ale také hrubá záplata v 
práci (vždy se bojí, aby byl dobrým poskytovatelem) nebo jiné

můj muž Býk začal perfektně a všechno bylo skvělé... ale
pak úplně zchladl a přestal reagovat.
Takže to samozřejmě musí znamenat, že si našel někoho jiného.
Nechci ho honit, ale nechci ho pustit. co mám 
nejistoty, které vybublaly na povrch. Může se tak cítit i 
tehdy, když vztah začne být příliš zapletený. Je extrémně
opatrný a je normální, že zpanikaří, když jsou věci příliš vážné, i 
když to ostatním nedává smysl.
Vaše instinkty, abyste ho nepronásledovali, jsou přesně na cíl.
Jako žena Ryby vás motivuje emocionální bezpečí více
než jeho touha po fyzickém/finančním bezpečí. Chcete se ponořit
do ostatních, zažít společně hluboké emoce a přinést
léčení a transformaci.
Jako žena Ryb instinktivně víte, kdy jste našli někoho , koho
opravdu milujete, a máte tendenci nosit srdce na rukávu. Snadno
vám uniknou náznaky, že někdo jiný není připraven na stejný druh
závazku (neříkám, že se to stalo konkrétně zde, ale
je to něco, vůči čemu jsou Ryby zranitelné).
Čím více se dokážete uzemnit, tím více dokážete rozeznat intuici
od emocí a touhy.
Muž Býk může žasnout nad vaší schopností ponořit se přímo do emocionálních
vod a hned vědět, co chcete, ale nemá stejný
přístup. Je extrémně opatrný. Čím více emocí, tím více
se odpoutá, pokud si není extrémně jistý sám sebou a tím
, kde ve svém životě je. Pokud není skutečně připraven na hluboký dlouhodobý
oddaný vztah, jeho nejistota se spustí, když
vyjdou najevo emoce. I vaše emoce, protože mu připomínají jeho
emoce, které mu zatím nejsou příjemné.
Na určité úrovni chce tyto věci také, ale není vždy připraven
na emocionální hloubky, které jsou pro ženu Ryby pohodlné. Je to jako
máte zkušenosti jako hlubinný potápěč a on se stále učí ponořit
hlavu pod vodu, aniž by měl zavřený nos.
Neexistuje snadný způsob, jak projít bolestí a zlomeným srdcem, ale vaším
darem jako Ryby je schopnost přeměnit emoce v léčení. Teď to
děláš pro sebe. Pokud mají věci s vaší
láskou v Býku fungovat, udělá si čas, který potřebuje, aby si věci urovnal, a dojde
k poznání, že má potenciál pro bezpečí a 
spojení s vámi.

Pro vás jako Ryby je však nejdůležitější věcí, kterou pro
sebe nyní můžete udělat, nasměrovat svou mocnou kreativitu a představivost.
pozitivními způsoby, které pomohou vašemu uzdravení. Snažit se přijít na to, co jeho
mlčení znamená, vás může vést po bolestivých a zbytečně
srdcervoucích cestách. Pamatujte, že vše, co máte, je důkaz, že
nyní není připraven na komunikaci a spojení, zbytek se noří do 
Ryby to dělají rády, ale může to zesílit vaši bolest a zmatek, pokud se
začnete snažit pochopit situaci tím, že vyplníte sdělení
, které vám nedává. Pokuste se odolat tomu pokušení. Soustřeďte se na své vlastní
léčení a sebelásku. Zaměřte se na sebeléčení a přilákání muže, který
je skutečně hoden vaší lásky a energie.

Jak krize změní vztah s 
mužem Býka?
Milá Patrice,
páni, mluvte o dvojité pohromě! Jako by muž Býk nebyl
za typických okolností dostatečně opatrný, přidejte nejistotu těchto neobvyklých
časů a máte recept na extra opatrný, extra pomalý
začátek vztahu!
Ale jsou zde nadějná znamení. Neustále komunikuje a 
pravidelně říká, že vás miluje. To jsou vlastně skvělá znamení!
Je velmi velká šance, že váš milostný zájem o Býka je tak zmatený a 
přemožený tím, že neví, jak bude příští měsíc vypadat ve
světě, natož jeho osobní život, že ho požádáte, aby promluvil o budoucnosti.
plány jsou příliš ohromující.
I když je to zcela normální a pochopitelné.
Důvěřujte tomu, že i v této bezprecedentně stresující době neustále projevuje zájem a soustavný
zájem o vztah.
To je opravdu dobré znamení!
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Dobrý den, Anno,
můj muž Býk a já jsme ve vztahu na dálku, asi 2
hodiny cesty.
Seznámili jsme se loni na podzim přes seznamku. Mluvíme každý den 2-3x. S
tímto sociálním distancováním Covid 19 jsme se neviděli.
Jak ho mohu přimět, aby se více otevřel a mluvil o naší budoucnosti?
Muž Býk se potřebuje cítit bezpečně. Potřebuje se cítit stabilně. Žádná z těchto
věcí teď není snadná. Takže snažit se stavět na tomto základu je pro něj děsivé.
Zatím to nemůže otevřít, protože si to ještě neumí představit. Buďte
si jisti, že to neznamená, že nechce budoucnost. Znamená to jen, že
přes veškerou svou kreativitu je muž Býk spíše konkrétním myslitelem. Když se nyní dívá na svět ,
vidí budovu, která potřebuje významnou
opravu. Ptáte se ho, co chce postavit, až bude stávající
budova srovnána se zemí. Zatím to nevidí.
Zpomalte a pokračujte ve spojení. Promluvte si s ním o tom, co je
pro vás důležité, a připravte půdu pro druh dlouhodobého období, ve kterém máte
mysl. Buďte však také otevření. Přiznejme si to, před rokem si nikdo z nás nedokázal
představit, v jakých podmínkách žije nyní. Vaše láska Býk si je
velmi dobře vědoma toho, jak málo kontroly má právě teď, takže velmi pravděpodobně
chce počkat a vidět, jak bude svět vypadat jeden den po druhém.
Pravděpodobně se snaží dlouhodobě pochopit, co tato nová realita znamená,
aniž by tomu sám plně porozuměl.
Buďte otevření tomu, že jeho pomalý a opatrný přístup je ve skutečnosti dobrý způsob
, jak se oba pohybovat. Když se znovu cítí v bezpečí, začne
přirozeně mluvit o tom, co chce v budoucnu, a pokračující
spojení zajistí, že jste toho součástí.
Jste na správné cestě, teď je to otázka trpělivosti a důslednosti.
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v krizi: Aftonův příběh
Někdy krize skutečně odhalí potenciál v 
žebříčcích obou partnerů, aby prospívali a upevnili spojení.
Drahý Aftone,
musím říct, že to je docela intenzivní kombinace a pokud by nějaký pár dokázal
vytvořit vztah na dálku uprostřed globální krize, byla
by to kombinace nezávislosti a houževnatosti, kterou oba vlastníte
Z toho, co popisujete, to zní, že dynamika je opravdu vynikající
vzhledem k okolnostem PLUS k ohromně pomalému a opatrnému Býkovi
energie v jeho grafu. Má velkou citlivost, aby vyvážil
povahu Zemitého Býka, což je skvělé a pomáhá mu to vyjádřit jeho romantickou stránku.
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Ahoj Anno,
opravdu miluji tvé informace o mém muži Býkovi.
Je to Slunce Býk, Měsíc Ryb s vycházejícím Rakem. (Merkur, Mars A 
Venuše vše v Býku).
Jsem Střelec slunce, Blíženci Měsíc, Vodnář vycházející. (Merkur v čepici a 
Mars i Venuše ve Štíru)
Je zřejmé, že jsme oba velmi intenzivní duše.
Momentálně jsme kvůli uzamčení v různých zemích, nemůžeme se navzájem navštěvovat
Jsme neuvěřitelně romantičtí. Děláme, co můžeme v těchto
bezprecedentních časech...může to opravdu vydržet?
Mám pocit, že nejistota téměř všeho, co je právě teď, pro vás snadno
spustí spoustu zvonků a píšťalek, protože máte sklony
ke svobodě, nezávislosti a dobrodružství. Může to být nepříjemné
období, které ve vás vyvolá pocit vzpoury proti uvěznění, ale
také to může být čas využít intelektuální energii Blíženců a 
Vodnáře a zahájit dramatické průlomy.
Vaše Slunce, Měsíc a Ascendent vám dávají potenciál být inovativní
a kreativní ohledně vztahu na dálku, zvláště uprostřed veškeré
nejistoty. Ale Slunce Střelce může také způsobit, že se budete cítit neklidně.
Moje rada by byla, zkuste si utřídit, zda ten neklid resp
nejistota, kterou cítíte, se týká vztahu nebo stavu světa.
Ano, existuje mnoho neznámých, ale máte všechny nástroje, které potřebujete ve své
intuici a duchu, abyste si urovnali detaily, když se k nim dostanete. Jste  člověk s velkým obrazem, takže může být těžké, když uprostřed tolika změn
nedokážete plně vypočítat celkový obraz. Snažte se však mít otevřenou mysl. Existuje velmi dobrá šance, že vám tento vztah může otevřít nečekané dveře a někdy se věci prostě potřebují odehrát, abyste viděli, jak detaily zapadnou na své místo. Objevte všechna jeho tajemství na TaurusManSecrets.com Jak může být tak chladný? Pochopení traumatizovaného muže Býka Dobrý den, Doro,

Moc vám děkujeme, že jste podnikli krok a požádali vás o radu.
Ano, to je složitá situace. Ale pár věcí mi připadá jako
opravdu důležité, abyste si udrželi nadhled. Ano, je to pravda, muži Býci
se notoricky pomalu otevírají a důvěřují. Také jsou obvykle velmi
Zní to, jako by se váš milostný zájem stále vzpamatovával z traumat z 
minulosti, což může přimět již tak opatrného muže Býka zamknout
dveře a zamřít okna. Bezpečnost je pro něj TAK důležitá, když
má nevyřešené minulé rány a traumata, stává se ještě důležitější
Tady je ta záludná část. Očividně se zdá, že tě miluje a záleží mu na něm
aby vás přivedl do jeho života tak daleko jako on, i když vám to nějakým způsobem připadá
, že stále stojíte na verandě a čekáte, až se dostanete do domu.
To je stále pokrok.
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Dobré ráno Anno,
je to muž z Býka, který se bojí spáchání, protože byl hluboce zraněn
, i když neřekne jak.
Není demonstrativní - když řeknu, že mi chybíš, neřekne na 
oplátku, že ano.
Ve skutečnosti říká: „Já ty věci neříkám.
Má dospívající dceru. Říká jí, že jsem „pracovní přítel“, 
chápu, že neříká přesně, kdo jsem. Proč je ale tak chladný?
On vám také říká několik velmi upřímných, i když bolestných, signálů
kdo je a kde je teď.
Jeho potenciál může být mnohem větší. Ale je věrný své
povaze Zemského znamení a upřímně vám říká, čeho je momentálně schopen. Když
říká, neříká 'chybíš mi.' Nebo věci takové povahy, nesnaží
se ti ublížit. Říká vám, jak ho jeho zranění zasáhla.
Naprosto zásadním klíčem pro vás v tom všem je udržet své
touhy Ryb na uzdě. Jako žena Ryb jste instinktivně přitahováni k těm
, kteří jsou zraněni, protože je chcete léčit a chránit. Chcete
se dostat hlouběji do jeho emocionálního světa, abyste pochopili, čím si
prochází, abyste ho mohli vytáhnout z rozbouřených vod zpět na suchou
Potřebuje ale s tímto procesem spolupracovat a jen čas ukáže, do 
jaké míry dovolí, aby se jeho vlastní uzdravení utvářelo.
Buďte velmi jasní se svými vlastními hranicemi, protože on je velmi jasný
se svými. Tím, že se nehrabe v minulosti a 
se svou dcerou nechává věci na rovině (také pochopitelné) a otevřeně říká,
že nedává najevo, že by mu chyběli lidé, vytváří skvělé
Vynikající hranice pro někoho, kdo není připraven plně se ponořit do 
hlubšího vztahu. Je k vám velmi upřímný ohledně toho, co mu jeho
zranění dovolí a co mu nedovolí. Je také upřímný, že se o 
vás stále stará a chce vztah. Myslete na tento vztah
jako vyhlídka na koupi domu. Velmi jasně vám říká, že
dům má nějaké problémy a je třeba provést opravy. Musíte se rozhodnout, kolik
investujete, zejména proto, že „opravy“ budou do značné míry na něm, zda na nich bude
pracovat nebo ne.
Tím nechci říct, že je to špatný vztah, to ne. Ale přichází s vestavěnými
omezeními pro dohlednou budoucnost. Ano, je možné, aby zapracoval
na svých minulých zraněních a vyléčil se, abyste mohli mít hlubší vztah. Je ale
zásadní hledat známky toho, že to dělá. Pokud ne, budete mít 
vztah, který z velké části zůstane takový, jaký je. Pokud vám to funguje, není
na tom nic špatného. Ale pokud se díváte na dům, který potřebuje
pracovat a představovat si svůj vysněný domov a dva obrázky jsou velmi odlišné
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, pak máte několik hlubších otázek, které si položíte na otázku, po 
jakém vztahu skutečně toužíte a zda jím skutečně je.
Řekl bych, že si dejte nějaký čas na pozorování, zda pracuje na 
uzdravení a důvěře. Mezitím pracujte na svých vlastních hranicích
, abyste měli jasno v tom, co potřebujete, abyste se ve 
vztahu cítili spokojeně. Není to snadný proces, takže buďte trpěliví a soucitní
sami se sebou, stejně jako s ním.

Když přijde krize…. Claire's Story Dostávám TOLIK
e-mailů podobných tomuto od Claire.
Milá Claire,
děkuji, že jsi napsala!
Ano, toto byla choulostivá doba na pěstování začínajícího románku. Ale naděje
není ztracena. Několik rad pro podporu spojení i v době
Covid 19, buďte konzistentní. Pravidelná komunikace je stále dobrým znamením.
Pamatujte, že pro muže Býka je tato krize hrozbou pro jeho samotný pocit
bezpečí, protože tolik ovlivnilo ekonomiku.
Buďte trpěliví, ale také najděte způsoby, jak komunikovat smyslnost. Zapojte jeho
smysly, když máte rozhovory. Povídejte si o tom, co oba vidíte
za oknem, co si užíváte k večeři, vonné svíčky
máte zapálené a věci takové povahy. Pomozte mu vzpomenout si fyzicky
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Dobrý den, Anno,
vaše e-maily a knihy jsou skvělé!
Dává mi to hodně nahlédnout do mozku Býka.
Mám těžké časy s chlapem z Býka. Setkali jsme se těsně před
pandemií, takže jsme se moc neviděli, a proto jsme
nemohli dělat některé věci, které obvykle navrhujete.
Mám pocit, že je do mě zamilovaný, ale vlastně to nic nepotvrzuje. Mám to 
považovat za příčinu seznamu?
Claire, 31, Býk
podrobnosti o vás a naladění pomocí odkazů na fyzické podrobnosti
o místě, kde žijete, a tak dále.
Přizpůsobte svá očekávání, jeho opatrná povaha se nyní určitě spustí
. Na druhou stranu ho tato krize může přimět více si uvědomit
důležitost lásky a podpory.
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Příběh Maeve – Láska během krize a nuance v žebříčku
muže z Býka
Milá Maeve,
moc děkuji za psaní.
Ano, Covid 19 způsobil mnoho narušení kvetoucích románků.
Existují však věci, které bych u muže Býka hledal i 
během krize, které ukazují pokrok v kontextu této obtížné situace.
Hledal bych pokračující konzistentní komunikaci. Cokoli
„konzistentní“ je pro něj.
Například i když volá jen jednou týdně, dělá to stále
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Ahoj Anno,
právě jsem online potkal muže z Býka.
Jak víte, Covid 19 je hojný a poté, co jsme se setkali, se
pandemie stala problémem.
Od té doby jsme se však dali dohromady; pomáhá svému
bratrovi se stěhováním, a když je tam, neslyším o něm.
Myslíte si, že je možná jen zaneprázdněný, a přesto mluví se svými ostatními přáteli
, když je pryč? Máme skvělý vztah, když jsme spolu,
ale nějak cítím, že jsem "duch".
Pokud jsou nějaké věci, které byste mi mohli říct, abyste se dostali přes tuto
situaci, velmi bych to ocenil.
Maeve, 54, Panna
Když se podíváme na tabulku tohoto konkrétního jedince, má Slunce,
Jupiter a Merkur všechny v Býku, kteří soustředí jeho energii do tohoto zemského
znamení. Takže je to, jako by se jeho býčí tendence umocnily a ovlivnily jeho
komunikační styl.
To by ukazovalo na někoho, kdo je pravděpodobnější, že osloví, když
je něco praktického, o čem si lze promluvit nebo je třeba se důsledně přihlásit
, než na někoho, kdo je pohnut oslovit na základě emocí.
Je třeba poznamenat jednu zajímavost, jeho Venuše je ve znamení Blíženců. To
by mu teoreticky mohlo dát tendenci být otevřený a upovídaný, když je
zamilovaný, nebo být přitahován ke konverzaci stejně jako ke skutečné osobě.
s ním mluví, ale Venuše v Blížencích proti stelliu tří
planet v Býku může znamenat, že tendence Venuše v Blížencích jsou
Uvědomte si, že i když osoba Venuše v Blížencích může být také snadno přitahována
na povrchové úrovni, okouzlující a koketní, ale je pro ni těžké
zavázat se pouze k jedné osobě. To neznamená, že to je konkrétně
důvod, proč byl vzdálený, ale je to něco, co je třeba vzít na vědomí, když
ho více poznáváte.
Jeho Měsíc v Panně také odráží všechny ty planety v Býku v tom, že umisťuje
jeho centrum emocí (Měsíc) do jiného zemského znamení. Takže je opravdu super
praktický a rád slouží. To naznačuje, že ano, je to možné
že pomáhat bratrovi při pohybu spotřebovává jeho energii a to je faktor
jeho mlčení.
Je však také důležité udělat krok zpět, abyste viděli tento obrázek jako
celek. I přes pandemii je stále schopen minimální
komunikace, i když je zaneprázdněn. Pokud se bude
pravidelně kontrolovat, je to dobré znamení. Pokud týdny ubíhají a nic neslyšíte,
je to indikátor toho, že to se závazky nemyslí tak vážně, jako
si občas užívá energii a spojení.
Některé věci, které můžete zkusit udělat, abyste znovu rozdmýchali spojení, jsou apelovat na jeho
touhu Měsíce v Panně být k službám a požádat ho o radu nebo pomoc v nějaké 
situaci. Najděte také neobvyklá témata zájmu, která skvěle podporují
konverzační témata (apelující na Venuši v Blížencích).
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Když se život ztíží... Příběh
Cathy Milá Cathy,
děkuji, že jste se obrátila.
Rozhodně cítím vaši bolest v této záležitosti. Je to těžké, když je
ve vztahu napětí a jste na dálku. Několik věcí, které je třeba mít na paměti,
abyste svému muži Býkovi lépe porozuměli...
Za prvé, ticho je součástí toho, jak věci zpracovává. Je velmi odlišný ve
stylu a motivaci než vaše tendence jako Lev. To neznamená, že
věci nemohou fungovat. Znamená to jen, že je nezbytné být si vědom svých
instinktivních reakcí. Tyto reakce jsou založeny na vašem filtru jako Lva.
Jeho filtr je jiný.
Když jste ve stresu, můžete hledat podporu a 
potvrzení u ostatních. Leo je přirozeně z velké části extrovert. Býk je
opakem. Když je ve stresu, poslední věc, kterou chce udělat, je mluvit
o tom. Chce jen hledat fyzickou útěchu obvykle prostřednictvím jídla nebo
se ujistit kontrolou svých financí nebo se soustředit na práci nebo jiné
projekty, které ho odvádějí od jeho pocitů.
To nejlepší, co můžete udělat pro posílení tohoto vztahu, je vybudovat si
důvěru v sebe sama. To je součástí vaší Lví magie a součástí toho, proč
vás přitahuje. Máte silnou, sebevědomou stránku, která ví, že jste
královna. Věnujte čas meditaci nad tímto obrazem sebe sama jako mocného
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Ahoj Anno,
mám stresovou situaci...
Můj muž Býk žije mimo stát, věci jsou konzistentní, ale mezi
dítětem se speciálními potřebami a péčí o jeho nemocného otce se zdá, že jsme
byli schopni jen sejít se jeden den v týdnu.
Nyní s uzamčením to ani není možné. Co můžu dělat?
Cathy, Leo
a v bezpečí. Pomůže vám to vyvážit předpoklady
vyvolané nejistotami.
Jako Lev máte potenciál být velmi citlivý na cokoli, co
vám připadá jako odmítnutí nebo opuštění. Přirozený styl muže Býka být
vzdálený, když je ve stresu, může narazit na takový pocit, ale není tomu tak.
Takže vyřešení emocionální reakce pomůže v budoucnu.
Když procházíte náročnou opravou a plány nefungují
, zaměřte se na další nejlepší věc. Muž Býk je praktický. Pokud strávit
víkend nebo den spolu pravděpodobně kvůli polehčujícím
okolnostem nenastane, naplánujte si videochat. Snažte se usilovat o co nejsmyslnější
zážitek a vraťte se k hlasovému telefonnímu hovoru nebo SMS pouze v případě, že jiné
možnosti nejsou k dispozici.

Marianna is also feeling the strain of crisis in her relationship
with her Taurus man
Dear Marianna,
Thank you so much for writing.
I am sorry to hear that you are struggling in the relationship with your
Taurus love.
There is so much about your journey that has been spectacular and very
special. It really seems there is a special bond between the two of you.
There are two main things I think are important to keep in mind.
Finding a strong and solid connection is a very special thing, and a 
relationship that forms and seems solid during ‘good times’ can feel
amazing. But the true test to a relationship is also about the test of each
individual when the good times turn into crisis times. I feel that is what
you are experiencing with this man.
Don may have a very strong connection to you and love you, but there are
a few things that show you he struggles to manage his feelings when he
feels angry and insecure. This is normal for anyone but especially for a 
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Between the pandemic and other issues in his life, my Taurus love
has been argumentative and angry.
I love him and we have so much history together. When we’re
together, things are amazing!
But the distance from the pandemic has put a strain on the
relationship. We’ve been arguing a lot and he’s not opening up about
his feelings.
What should I do
Taurus man. He can seem so patient that it almost feels like nothing
bothers him, and then boom! Out of nowhere his anger comes out.
This is because rather than addressing issues as they arise, he is famous
for stifling himself and the energy explodes out when he finally perceives
something as a threat to his safety or security. Even if the objective
situation wasn’t ‘that bad’ to him something triggered his feelings of
So that is challenging enough on a small scale, but it sounds like the two
of you were making good progress working through this situations as they
Now for the harder stuff…
When there is a large scale crisis either in a Taurus man’s life or, as we
see now with the pandemic, worldwide, it definitely unnerves a Taurus
man. His security will feel threatened even if he is fine. He may become
so preoccupied with health, finances or both or just the sense of feeling
so out of control, that it saps the energy he used to give to this
As a Virgo, your approach is much more practical. You are conscientious
and mindful but are not carried away by fears. You are looking to
continue the normal routines as your own anchor to stability. He,
however, may be feeling like he lost his anchor as the world keeps
changing in ways that make him uncomfortable.
The best thing to do for now is to give him space after communicating
that you care about him and can imagine this stressful situation is hard
for him. This is like an open invitation for him to talk more about what is
going on in his world, or not. In the mean time, while you may check in
on him from time to time it would be best to let him figure out what he
needs to do. Another challenge for a Taurus man is that even if he does
well in a long distance relationship, he’s always thinking of when and how
things will finally come together. All of the current restrictions are
making that difficult to imagine, so he is likely very confused about how
to proceed now.
Give him some time to figure out and to see what direction things take on
the broader scale in society.
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“Ugh, He doesn’t communicate! What can I do?”
Dear Shari,
I must say you’ve done an amazing job of turning around a rough patch in
this relationship. Kudos to you for that!
It sounds like you are coming to understand the right flow of energy in
this relationship. Keep a few things in mind, a Taurus man is practical, so
his communication is usually triggered by a need to express something of
importance in the moment. When he isn’t talking it doesn’t mean
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Hi Anna,
We both met online last December and were super-quick to fall for
each other. We live in different countries.
He was quite communicative and chatty for the first few weeks but
then slowly started to calm down, which I took as a sign of him
He told me that he loves me and doesn't want to let go of me, but he
sucks at conversations and being chatty is not something that comes
naturally to him.
This meant that I had to initiate conversations most of the time, which
I found difficult to do without seeming needy or clingy.
We have better communication now but he texts such short answers.
What’s your opinion on this situation?
Shari, Gemini
something is wrong. It just means he doesn’t really have anything he feels
is important to express.
The more you keep yourself grounded and secure in your own value and
worth as a person, the more you are solidifying his sense of this
relationship being secure. Trust in him and in yourself.
I would say there are many promising signs in your connection especially
the fact you’ve both been able to work through conflicts. The secret is,
even more important than ‘natural’ compatibility, is the ability to grow
together, learn from each other and evolve as a couple.
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He won’t share his fantasies with me. What should I do
to help him open up?
Hello Carli,
Thank you for reaching out!
So the thing about a Taurus man is he needs to feel secure. Both with the
sexual fantasies and with the process of opening up in general. You may
want to invite him to try exploring his sexual desires in very slow steps,
inviting him to experiment with some aspect of his desires but also giving
him, and you, both the ability to stop when or if it becomes
Taurus are excellent at boundaries, think of this as a boundary. He is
saying he values you but he is also holding back on some of his desires
because he is afraid of the security of the relationship if you aren’t
receptive to his desires.
He’s saying he values you but that he has insecurities about exploring
some aspects of his sexual fantasies.
Naturally, because you love him and want to be close to him, your
response is likely to be something like ‘Hey! No problem! Let’s just try
But that actually doesn’t address his insecurities, even though it seems to
on the outside. Instead, try to focus on your connection. Sexuality is
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Hi Anna!
How can I get my Taurus man to open up about his sexual fantasies?
He says he has some fetishes that he has explored with other
women. He doesn’t want to tell me about them because he says it’s
different with me, that he respects me more and doesn’t want to
about communication. Not wanting to do certain sexual things together
yet is like him saying ‘I love you so there are certain words that I 
normally would say but that I don’t want to say around you.’
He is telling you what is in his comfort zone. Ironically, the more you
accept the boundary and focus on other aspects of nurturing your
connection, the more you’ll be reassuring him.
You don’t want the secrecy of his fetishes to become like a ‘cat and
mouse’ game where he feels like you are trying to pursue his secret and
then in return he feels like he has to try harder to hide.
I would suggest being as natural and comfortable in yourself when you are
with him to help him see that you are confident and interested in his
pleasure. I would also let go of pursuing the topic for a while and see if
he naturally starts to open up. Sometimes when he feels like an issue is in
focus, he’ll dig his heels in even more. If you act as if it is no big deal, he
will more than likely start to reveal more of his secrets because you are
showing confidence and connection to him rather than interest in getting
into his inner world.
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He sends mixed signals…
Dear Luann,
Well, I have to be honest, as much as a Taurus man can be a bit
standoffish even when he’s truly interested, the impression I get from
your story sounds like this Taurus guy is acting on his desire for romance
and flirtation but not the full potential of his Taurus traits.
What I mean by that, is that a Taurus man who is ready for a relationship
will not give his word unless he can back it up. So when a Taurus guy acts
flirty with no follow through, he is telling you in his own way that this is a 
surface level attraction. He isn’t really ready for more than a flirtation.
It is best to keep your options open and not expect too much from this
Instead, focus on what you love and attracting a guy who is ready to walk
the walk and not just talk the talk.
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Hello Anna,
I’ve been talking to my Taurus guy for over a year. On several
occasions, he made plans with me and then didn’t show up.
He texts me on a regular basis and even tells me he loves me all the
But every time he makes plans with me he just doesn’t show. He
doesn’t even cancel, he just doesn’t show up!
What is going on? What should I do?
“How do I know if we’re ‘official’?”
Dear Andrea,
Thank you so much for your question!
Knowing when it is official in a stable relationship with a Taurus man is
somewhat of a grey area, as you are coming to see.
On the one hand, a Taurus man is direct and honest. Usually, if he has
hesitations about any part of the relationship, he’s clear about it, but not
always. There are other aspects of his chart such as his Mercury sign for
instance that can alter his communication style.
But generally speaking, your instincts about wanting to define the
relationship without appearing pushy are right on target. It’s perfectly
reasonable to want to know where things stand.
Your Taurus man is honest, practical and romantic but he’s also down to
earth and respects value and boundaries.
If you approach the subject from the Taurus lens (include reference to
practicality, boundaries and value), you’ll get his attention in a positive
Sometimes a Taurus man will act as if it’s official without coming right
out and saying it, other times he makes his intentions clear. The fact that
he hasn’t isn’t a bad sign though.
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Hi Anna,
I have been dating a Taurus man for 3 months now…What I would like to know is,
when can I tell that it’s official between us?
Will he ask me to be his girlfriend? For how long do I have to wait?
Or maybe he thinks it’s official, but he’s just not being vocal about it? I don’t know,
and I try not to ask as it will make me look like I’m pushy.
Andrea, 36, Sagittarius
Here are a few ways to bring up the conversation:
When you’re both relaxed and comfortable and talking about the future
in general, mention what you desire (value) in the future for your own
lifestyle. Mention how you value him and how you hope he will fit into
your future plans. Don’t automatically cast him in a specific role,
mention it as a potential. Gauge his reaction. Does he become tense and
shut down?
If so, invite him to share what his goals for the future are and don’t judge
or push if he doesn’t mention you. Even if he doesn’t hit the nail on the
head, his avoidance will tell you much of what you need to know.
If he waivers and talks about a potential future of more commitment or
advancement in the relationship, this is a good sign. Don’t pressure him
for specifics.
Rather, take his hypothetical consideration of moving in the right
direction as a good sign.
Of course, if he comes right out and says ‘isn’t that what we already have
now?!’ or ‘that’s exactly what I want too…’ that is excellent.
Don’t put time frames on it though. Talk about potential. Make him feel
like the door is open but that it isn’t going to close if he doesn’t act fast
enough. Don’t expect him to narrow down a commitment time frame
such as ‘by July I will definitely be ready to change my facebook status!’
he just doesn’t operate that way.
Approach the topic with calm nonchalance as if it were a discussion of
where you’d like to vacation someday.
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“I’m so confused by his mixed signals, why does he run hot
and cold like this?”
Dear Brooke,
Yes, a Taurus man can be a bundle of contradictions sometimes. The thing
is, he is all about security. He likely wanted to see where the relationship
could go and may have also been indecisive about what he really wanted
early on.
Some Taurus men don’t commit and don’t expect monogamy unless that
discussion has taken place. Unfortunately, it sounds like this guy is one of
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Dear Anna,
My Taurus man and I started out as friends slightly flirting. We talked a 
little at first but I tried to rush things and he pulled away. We made
plans to meet but he ghosted me each time.
Started hanging out again this time I went to his pace. He said he
doesn't want a long distance relationship. We talked about it and
agreed to hang out and spend what time we are left together before he
went to school.
Then he found out I slept with other people while we weren't official
and we had not mentioned any exclusivity. He’s really upset with me.
He knew from the beginning he wasn't gonna be able to be in a 
relationship with me but still hung out with me made me think there was
a chance. Even after he'd said we weren't gonna be old be in a 
relationship he still got mad and jealous and possessive when I found I 
had slept with other people.
I don't understand why he’s so upset if he didn't want a relationship.

the Taurus men who is more traditional and assumes things are farther
along in the relationship than they are without talking about it.
This, and the ensuing jealousy, are an unfortunate byproduct of a Taurus
man’s concrete nature and difficulty opening up and talking about what
they want and how they feel.
He is still learning and growing, and this unfortunate situation brings
lessons to the table for both of you. While it may not change the outcome
in this relationship, you both have a deeper understanding of the
importance of communication and clarifying boundaries and expectations
in future relationships.
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Rachelle’s Story: What does he really want?
Brooke isn’t the only woman baffled by the mixed signals of a Taurus
man. In the following situation, clues to his lack of commitment come
from understanding his Moon Sign.
Dear Rachelle,
Yes it can be confusing when the connection is strong but he is not yet
clear about what he wants.
You both have strong compatibility based on your charts. Your Sun Signs
are in complementary elements so you balance each other out without
even trying. He is practical and actually wants stability. But he is patient
enough and pragmatic enough to know that rushing in based on desire
alone isn’t always the best way to go.
Although it hurts, think of it as him trying to honor you and the
relationship by trying to get clarity on what he really wants.
His Gemini Moon gives him emotional restlessness. It is not easy for the
Moon to be in this sign. His Sun in Taurus keeps him anchored, though and
can balance this out.
He needs to take the time to learn beyond a doubt that he’s making the
best choice. Sometimes, in order to make sure he is on the right track, he
has to backtrack and seal up all the loose ends. It sounds like this is what
he is doing. I get the sense this is not about a romantic interest with his
child’s mom, but rather a need to understand intellectually and accept
that things are what they are so he can find closure and move on.
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Dear Anna,
I am so confused by my Taurus man. Our connection has been
amazing! He started off by being caring and attentive, he acts like he
cares about me, but he runs hot and cold.
His friends say he loves me but it seems like he’s confused. He talks
The reality is, closure comes from within, not from other people, but
with a Gemini Moon he won’t feel secure (to feed his Taurus Sun) until he
has intellectually covered all bases and found the understanding he is
looking for.
In the mean time, you know how to show him the emotional connection
and nurturing he is looking for. This goes a long way for a Taurus man.
Your Moon in Aries may make it hard to understand why he is so
indecisive. You know exactly what you desire and yet it can also be
devastating to not have that reciprocated.
Try to resist the temptation to corner him for a commitment. This is a 
true test of patience but if you are open to it, I would advise you to give
yourself and him a little space but also give him some time. An Aries Moon
may make you quick to want to react, but that will not help in this
situation. Work on grounding yourself. Give him a few months (he’s
notoriously slow and indecisive) if you feel the relationship is worth the
wait. In the mean time, focus on your healing and your needs. Nurture
your friendships and yourself.
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What Commitment Means…. Depending on the Birth
Dear Kristen,
I took a look at your chart, and you have two sets of three planets in one
sign, which is called a Stellium. When someone has a Stellium in their
chart, it concentrates the energy in the sign where the planets are
Three of your ‘personal planets’ Sun, Venus and Mars, are in Aries which
gives you heightened passion, a clear sense of direction and lots of
energy. You know what you want when you want it and you aren’t afraid
to take risks and initiative especially in love.
Your Moon is in Taurus, which gives you a natural desire to want to
connect with others in order to feel stable. Emotional connection makes
you feel like things are in order and you are in control.
Three of your outer planets, are opposite of Aries in Libra. This gives you
a great sense of balance between your inner desires and your desire for
harmony and partnership. You thrive on connection and partnerships and
where most Sun in Aries people are completely independent, you balance
your independence with the desire for someone to share your adventures
So as for your Taurus love interest, commitment is a delicate issue for a 
Taurus man. On the one hand, your Moon is in his Sun Sign so there is a 
natural emotional connection. The key is to understand why he doesn’t
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Hi Anna!
Thanks for reaching out. My biggest challenge with him is getting him to
commit and how to reach him emotionally so that he does want to commit
fully. I don’t know if I’m just wasting my time thinking he will.
Kristen, 38, Aries
always open up and make a commitment. Even if he desires one, a Taurus
man will hold off until he feels secure.
With Moon in Taurus, you instinctively know how to speak to his desires
for security. The need for patience is not your strongest suit however. So
many planets in Aries, balanced by the outer planets in the romance
loving sign of Libra can make you want to move on when you aren’t being
shown the energy you desire in a relationship.
At some point this focus and determination that is part of your nature will
tell you if enough is enough and you’ve hit a wall. However there may
still be some things you can do while waiting it out.
Your Libra energy comes from your outer planets Jupiter, Saturn and
Pluto. The more you can show in addition to telling your Taurus man that
you can create a life of harmony, beauty and love, the more it will help
him to ease up.
Resist the temptation to corner him for a commitment.
Show him that you are confident and don’t intend to intrude on his
boundaries, but that you are solid, confident and capable of holding
space for him when he is ready to show vulnerability.
Your Mercury is in Pisces which does make you crave emotional
If you are serious about this Taurus man, however, it’s essential to
understand that a Taurus man’s primary language is not emotions. He’s a 
show-me-don’t-tell-me kind of guy.
Trying to get through his walls and into his vulnerable emotional side will
feel like an intrusion to him. He’s not ignoring your desires. He is just
doing what he is naturally programmed to do. Look for opportunities to
connect emotionally through sensual language. When he tells you how his
body feels (tense, tired, hungry etc.) he is getting closer to emotional
language. This may still seem distant but for a Taurus man it is a big step.
You can role model by speaking about your emotions, but don’t be
disappointed if he doesn’t immediately reciprocate. Remember, he’s an
Earth sign and focuses on the practical more than the emotional.
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“What should I expect in a long distance relationship?”
Dear Darla,
Thank you so much for reaching out. A long distance relationship is tough,
though a Taurus man is more cut out for this kind of relationship than
many others. That’s because he’s patient and consistent and he can keep
his focus practical.
Some key things you may want to try are keeping his sensual interests
engaged. Think of how a really good book can transport you through time
by bringing you into the scene. When you text or talk, mention sensual
things. What you ate for dinner, what you’re wearing, how the weather
is, the scent of the candles you’re burning. Try to bring him physically
into your world even at a distance.
As a Taurus guy, he’s more expressive with practical than emotional issues
so talking about feelings is tough for him, though possible.
I would also look for signs that he is planning to bridge the distance gap in
the future in some way. Look for him to respond to conversations about
eventually spending time together or visiting each other as a good sign
that he is anchored in the relationship.
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Hi Anna,
I don’t want to waste my time, is it possible that a Taurus guy can do a 
Long Distance Relationship?
What should I expect from him?
Noelle’s Story
Dear Noelle,
This is a tricky situation because while a Taurus man can enjoy a long
distance relationship, in the long run he wants stability and will want to
bridge the distance gap.
He can be patient and hold out for a while but if he doesn’t feel like he
can be secure in a future together then that will put a damper on his
A few things that may also make this situation challenging currently
include the uncertainty in general about future plans because of the
pandemic. This may lead him to go into ultra-cautious Taurus man mode
in which he slows down even more.
I would say you have already gotten to know each other for a while now.
You know what is important to each other. It sounds promising that he has
been consistent but also concerning because he has not made a move to
try to be more official about the future and pinpoint his plans.
Bottom line may be that he doesn’t know the direction he’s going into.
This would be a good time to talk nonchalantly about the idea of future
plans in general. What you want, where you desire to go, what you see
yourself doing. Use this as an ice breaker to see how he responds. Does
he then talk about his future goals? Does he talk about how the
relationship fits in?
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Dear Anna,
We met during his visit to Canada last June and then met one more
time. So since last July we connected initiated by him to chat on the
phone and sometimes face time till I went back home.
Don’t rush him to come to a concrete plan but set the stage of discussion
of the future by keeping it light at first. Talk in hypothetical about your
potential plans and gauge his response.
If he remains distant and noncommittal after a few more months it may
be time to let go. I say a few more months because right now there is
already so much uncertainty that it can be difficult for him to even think
about the future, so talking about it as what you potentially want to do at
some point rather than ‘by this summer…’ is less intimidating.
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General issues with a Taurus Man in a Long Distance
Dear Gloria,
I definitely understand how frustrating this can be.
Generally speaking, long distance relationships can be great for a Taurus
man because he gets to remain independent and in control of his life.
But it also means he will try to go about the relationship at his own pace
and can hide his emotions easier. Sometimes that is why he feels more
secure in a long distance relationship.
Without knowing more about the situation, here are some suggestions to
When you have conversations with him, as often as possible try to invite
in as much ‘contact’ even from a distance. So video chat if possible, if
not talk on the phone. Don’t rely on text and email as primary
A Taurus man loves sensory details. If he’s really in love, he’ll want to
hear the sound of your voice, see you, know what you’re doing and what’s
going on in your physical space. He’ll want to feel like he’s in the room
with you.
Now for the hard part…
If he’s not ready for a relationship, he’ll avoid this kind of contact. He’ll
only text. He’ll keep things superficial or only focus on sex. These are red
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Hello Anna,
How can I get my Taurus person of interest to open up more given we
are in a long distance relationship?
flags. These things indicate he is not yet mature enough or ready for a 
solid relationship. If this is the case, some time may help him make up his
mind but you don’t want to hold up your life for too long. If he is not
responding to the attraction signals you are showing him, or if he is not
consistently making an effort to at least communicate, then he is sending
you an important message.
He’s indicating that he is not ready to be the man you want him to be.
Show him signs that you are secure, mature and trustworthy, but the rest
is up to him. Give yourself permission to move on if he is not respecting
your time, energy and attention.

Nidra’s Story: Long Distance Relationship and Strain on the
Dear Nidra,
Thank you for writing. I’m sorry to hear you are going through this
A long distance relationship with a Taurus man can be tricky. If he’s open
to it, it can be a great opportunity for him to maintain the ‘security’ of
his own space. However Taurus is also a very sensual sign and it can be
challenging for him to hold out faith and hope for a relationship that isn’t
manifesting in very concrete ways.
In other words, a Taurus man can fall prey to ‘out of sight, out of mind’
thinking when it comes to long distance relationships. It makes sense that
he is stating he wants to be open to meeting someone who can be part of
his daily life, because doing so feeds into his need for security of having a 
concrete relationship rather than relying on the abstract ideas and
fantasies that help in a long distance relationship.
I know your heart must be broken because he isn’t replying. Keep a few
things in mind in this situation. He has been honest with you about his
limitations and what he is and is not ready for, so that shows he values
you and cares about you enough to be direct and not try to give you
false expectations.
At the same time, if he knows that you still are in love with him, it is very
likely that some of the emotional distance is also that same kind of care
and desire for fairness only it comes across in a way that seems hurtful.
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Dear Anna,
I’ve been seeing a Taurus guy for a while now. He recently said he just
wants to be friends. We still talk every day but I am so hurt. I want to
be more than a friend to him.
I’m so devastated. I don’t know if I can just be friends. He said he’s
In other words, he thinks he’s doing the best thing for you by giving you
space so that you can work through the romantic feelings you have.
What to do? Well, you can’t pretend you don’t love him, that would be
inauthentic. But for now it is best for you to focus on healing your heart
and accepting the situation as it is. The irony is that the more you focus
on being grounded on your path, the more he’ll feel the romantic tension
dissipate and that will make it easier for him to pursue a friendship. If
that is what you really want.
It’s important to be clear with yourself about whether you are ready or
able to move on from this romantic interest and maintain a friendship
with no expectations. He knows that. Part of the silence is his investment
in his healing and giving you space to do the same.
Looking at your chart, you have a stellium (three or more planets) in
Aquarius giving you deep intuitive leanings and intensity. This no doubt is
exciting to him but when he is trying to find security and make sense of
his path he may then feel overwhelmed. This combination makes you
future oriented and progressive, not afraid to take risks and be bold. He
needs to hold on to his comfort zone.
Also, your Venus is in Pisces giving a very different approach to love than
your typical highly rational and independent nature. In love you are
highly compassionate and also intuitive. Venus in Pisces makes it easy to
fall in love with the ideal potential of what could be but sometimes
blocks you from seeing what is. Try to keep yourself grounded and be
open to communication with him in the future, but really be aware of the
Venus in Pisces potential to get expectations up even though the rational
Aquarius side of you is trying to not hold any expectations.
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A Taurus Man with a Self Fulfilling Prophecy
Dear Marla,
I am so sorry to hear you’ve had this heartbreaking experience with your
Taurus love interest.
You have really great insight, and I want you to know that your intuition
about the level of anxiety and fear impacting your relationship is
absolutely correct.
You described the downward spiral that happens to so many women. Even
if it is not possible to get this particular man to re-engage, the lesson you
have learned from this experience can help you in future relationships.
When fear takes you away from being the strong, confident woman he
was first attracted to, it definitely undermines the relationship. But it is
also not fair to beat yourself up over this relationship because the fact of
the matter is, as you point out, he did create a self-fulfilling prophecy.
When a Taurus man gives a timeframe of what ‘always’ happens in his
relationships or any other doomed predictions based on patterns from his
past, he’s actually giving you very valuable information.
He’s telling you right off the bat “This is what I believe to be true of all
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“Anna, I need your help!
My Taurus man has always told me his relationships end after a month, that
it always turns bad.
I tried everything to make him happy and be the perfect girlfriend, but I am
afraid my anxiety got the best of me!
When he first met me, I was confident and secure, but then I became clingy
and anxious. I know I scared him away because sure enough, after about a 
month, he stopped texting and calling.
Is there any chance things will change?”
Marla, Pisces
Of course, there is always the potential that a new relationship can break
the pattern and change the cycle, but first someone has to believe that is
possible. It sounds like this Taurus man was not ready to believe that he is
worthy of long lasting love.
That is sad for both of you, but crucial to understand that no amount of
perfection will convince a man who makes it clear he has his walls up and
is not ready to let them down. It sounds like you definitely gave a strong
effort to prove to him that he can be loved. He wasn’t ready to receive
this though.
It is best for you to now show yourself that unconditional love and
validation. Either he will come around to realizing what he has
sabotaged, or he will remain behind the walls he put up, convincing
himself that he is doomed to only being in relationships for a short term.
That needs to be his decision to make, though.
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I Thought We Were Soul Mates…. What Happened?
The term ‘Soul Mate’ is used frequently when it comes to love and
romance. But a Soul Mate may not always be a romantic partner. They
may not always be a life long romantic partner. But they could be….
One thing is for certain, a Soul Mate has a dramatic impact on your life,
as you do on theirs.
A great example of a Soul Mate relationship comes from the story of
Nessa and Gary.
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I met a taurus via a dating app. He invited me for a date and we
round out we have so much in common. Our families even knew
each other years ago!
We mailed during the summer, but suddenly he got cold. When I 
contacted him in September, he wrote that he was dating another
lady who lives closer.
He contacted me again a few months later asking if I would like to
meet him again. It seemed like he fell in love with me then.
We dated for a while, but then he emailed me telling me he wasn’t
sure if we could be a couple. He wrote that he was most interested
in learning to know better someone who was near him in his daily
I wished him all the best, and he replied the same.
He had asked me if I was willing to keep a contact without
expectations after our last date, and I had accepted.
I’m still in love with him, and he knows it.
So if you would have any advice that could help me in this situation,
I would be grateful.
Nessa, 47, Scorpio
Wow, what an incredible journey you have had! Thank you for your
vulnerability and openness in sharing it. This really feels like a soul mate
kind of connection, and I don’t use that phrase lightly. Not as a 
guaranteed ‘happily ever after’ but as a true, hard work, soul awakening
partnership that spans a lifetime as each person helps the other grow and
It sounds like you understand this as well and kudos to you for knowing
your worth and recognizing that Gary does in fact need this time to sort
out where he is in his life.
Taurus men crave two things above all else, comfort and stability. As
his relationships grew increasingly unstable, he sought you out for a 
reason. Even if he was not fully conscious of that reason. You were the
source of healing and stability that also helped him as things came to a 
head in his relationship.
In true Scorpio form, you were the initiator and facilitator of deeper
truth. You helped him look beneath the walls he put up and realize what
is actually going on in his life. No easy task, especially with such a strong
connection involved.
I want to also give you tremendous praise for being able to see the
situation with compassion for him even if that compassion requires you to
set aside your own inner desires for the life you may have wanted with
This is tremendous insight and wisdom and it is difficult to find this
clarity when your emotions and heart is involved.
If you haven’t already, it may be a good idea to very lightly and
compassionately just check in with him. This is not a matter of chasing.
Not from a place of pursuit but from a place of compassionate concern
for someone who is going through personal turmoil in the midst of global
turmoil and no doubt has a lot on his plate. Not to figure things out for
him but to remind him you are there as a support when he is ready.
A Taurus man can go from zero to one hundred in terms of hiding his
feelings and retreating from the world. Some aspects of this are
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definitely helpful, but too much time alone in his own mind can also give
him a skewed perspective on things.
It is also very wise of you to recognize you deserve a person who is ready
to commit and show you the love you are worthy of, whether or not that
person is Gary. Just as you are an initiator for him, he is also in his own
way a teacher for you and helping you to unravel the layers that block
you from clarity about what you want in a relationship.
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Soul Mates: Jodi’s Story
Soul Mates also help each other with profound healing. Jodi’s story is a 
great example of this.
Both are going through dramatic transitions. Jodi tries to be present and
compassionate but her Taurus man often shuts down. Here is an
examination of their charts and how aspects of the chart relate to their
challenges but also potential for healing as Soul Mates.
She wrote:
Here is his chart, with personal details edited out.
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We are both recently divorced and came from toxic marriages. He
came from a very controlling marriage, whereas mine had no
communication at all.
So are both healing separately but are also together…… (personal
details edited out)
I know we have our own healing to do on our own. I just don’t know
what to do or what he’s thinking because he hasn’t been expressive.
I hope you can give me some answers. Thank you!
Jodi, 35, Capricorn
Dear Jodi,
I am so sorry to hear you are going through these difficulties in your
I did take a look at both of your charts, thank you for having the specific
So for your Taurus guy, you know he is going through healing, as are you.
But this is going to mean different things to him and to you. Though it’s
no coincidence you are now drawn to each other. Because you mentioned
both of you are going through healing processes, I took special interest in
Chiron, the asteroid who represents the Wounded Healer.
Your Taurus man has both Sun and Venus in his first house, Sun in Taurus,
but Venus in Aries. His style in love is to rush in. Though his Sun Sign and
Taurus in First House give him potential to ground himself, he is also
likely to react impulsively in relationships, at least at first. He is much
more act-first-think-about-it-later than the average Taurus.
Though he also has Moon in conjunction to other planets in Capricorn in
his Tenth House. This helps to ground him, just as Sun in Taurus does. It
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may be worth while to research Capricorn to get a sense of what makes
him motivated on a subconscious level. Moon in Capricorn seeks security
through tradition and comforts associated with money and career
success. The emphasis on career and finding value and security in career
are also emphasized by the Tenth House placement.
He may put career success before relationship success as a means to hide
his vulnerability. Especially coming out of a bad situation. When he’s
feeling upset, he’ll throw himself into work to try to hide it.
Also the silence rather than opening up and talking about his feelings
makes sense here because there is a lot of stoicism in Moon in Capricorn.
They believe they have to just endure things rather than talking things
I was curious about his communication style so I look to Mercury who is in
Aries as well. He can seem chatty and forthcoming when he feels
confident or when discussing things he’s passionate about. Don’t confuse
Aries style passion with love, though. Mercury in Aries can talk about
opinions with confidence. Feelings, though are another matter. He
doesn’t like to show any vulnerability and again will either go quiet or go
on the defensive. At times when he feels secure and stable is when to
approach the topic of feelings.
His Chiron or wounded healer energy is in Leo. He has a deep fear of
rejection and being alone. Yet when he’s feeling wounded, instead of
talking about his vulnerability, he’s going to seek out situations where he
can be the hero or life of the party. He’ll distract himself by making
others laugh or being entertaining.
So this is interesting that the conflict recently was triggered by him not
responding but instead allowing himself to get lost in his impulses
(Mercury in Aries, Aries Rising and Chiron in Leo) this further could have
been a much needed ‘escape’ for him if he has been particularly stressed.
Positive indicators for the relationship are Moon in Capricorn which is
actually conjunct your Natal Sun and Jupiter. He really does want
commitment and stability.
Your Sun and Jupiter conjunct his Moon in Capricorn can give you an easy
gravitational pull to connect with his emotions, just be mindful of
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Jupiter’s desire to expand everything and put everything under the
microscope, hence the tension when he keeps his emotions a mystery.
Also you have Venus conjunct Mars in Pisces in your Tenth House. This
makes you much more sentimental in romance than he is. As you said,
you need reassurance. You also are driven by a deep desire to connect
emotionally. You may equate emotional talk with closer connection.
Sometimes this is true, other times it is not.
Pisces is also a master of disguise and can bring confusion and illusions. It
is very important to not get carried away in fantasies based on emotional
reaction without also grounding into your Sun in Capricorn nature to keep
you focused on the practical facts of the matter.
Yet it is understandable that you are both working through wounds and
the road is going to be rocky in reflection of this.
Your Chiron is in Gemini, so you seek communication to help you
understand others as part of your healing and you deeply fear being
unheard and misunderstood.
The best thing to do now is work on your grounding and your healing. If
you haven’t already, send a simple message without lengthy explanations
just offering an apology for the behavior of blowing up (not apologizing
for your feelings). And letting him know that you care about him and
want to try to work things out when he is ready.
Put your energy into your own healing in the mean time and it will bring
you much more stable solid ground to work from. The ball is in his court
now and I know that the wait can be difficult, but this is all part of the
larger process. If he is willing to work things out, then you know he is
mature and committed enough to know that relationships have their ups
and downs and it’s part of the learning process.
If he is not, it could be that his wounds from the past are still too intense
for him to really clear the slate and focus on a serious new relationship.
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Fulfilling the Soul Contract with a Taurus Man: Gigi’s Story
Gigi shared a very detailed description of her long history with her Taurus
love interest. He’s been traumatized by a past relationship and though
he’s been consistently a part of Gigi’s life, his hesitation to move forward
with the relationship is stressful for Gigi.
Dear Gigi,
My heart goes out to you and your Taurus love. You are an initiator of
change and healing, just what he needs, no wonder you are drawn to
each other!
Yet just as he needs this healing and transformation so he can put closure
on the past and accept his worthiness, he also may resist that because
traumatic situations do that to people. Regardless of sign, a traumatized
man or woman will become stuck in a moment, imprisoned by it in a way.
All is not lost, but understand this is a delicate situation for him.
Kudos to you for responding in such a kind, loving and supportive way.
Also for holding space and for thanking him for being vulnerable, all great
Your instincts are correct. A Taurus man is directed by his sense of value
because Venus is his planetary ruler and is associated with worth, beauty
and value.
This past experience has scarred him and damaged his sense of value.
Some advice for helping him feel worthy again…
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Dear Anna,
I am writing about my Taurus man I’ve been dating for a few months.
He confided in me that he had a difficult issue from his past and had
not dated since. This was many years ago… He is worried about how
others see him because of this past issue that resulted in a lot of
While it’s tempting to simply say ‘but that was a long time ago and I see
you as valuable in spite of the past…’ or things to that effect, if he
doesn’t yet see it himself, he may dismiss your attempts as ‘just being
Instead, focus on what you value about him. Acknowledge what he gets
right in the present. Focus on the present, in fact. Also, focus on all the
things you appreciate about him.
Secondly, ask him what he needs from you.
He’s told you that he isolates. Ok, that is valuable information. Ask him
what he needs from you. Does he need you to check in? Does he need you
to wait for him to initiate contact? Does he need you to do a little of
both? Let him tell you what will help him.
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Why Won’t He Make Things “Official”?
Sometimes a relationship seems perfect, but then things plateau, leaving
you wondering ‘are we official? What’s stopping him from stepping up to
the plate?”
Susan wrote to me with this type of situation.
Dear Susan,
This is a tricky situation to analyze as there could be two things occurring
here. Basically, you are providing the ideal relationship for a Taurus man.
Sensual, exciting, romantic. So the reason for lack of ‘official’
commitment could be one of two things.
Either he is not interested in a commitment but enjoys a relationship that
has all of the fun, affection and excitement of a commitment but without
strings attached.
Or he’s doing the same thing a lot of Taurus guys do, and that is to move
extremely slowly into making things ‘official’ because he wants to be
absolutely sure he can feel secure with you.
I have to be honest with you, though, after a year of investing time
together, most Taurus men will know what they want. Especially if he is
investing the time and effort to have planned a trip, even if plans fell
This can be a difficult situation because you’re both already established
unspoken expectations about what this relationship is all about. You’ve
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It’s been a year, we’re great together. He actually tells me that. But he
hasn’t made it official. I want to know how he sees us and me but I don’t
want to sound needy or make him feel like I’m making demands. What
should I do?
both created a relationship that has featured all of the perks of a 
relationship without the official title. You’ve set the unspoken ground
rules, but now it is important to go back to direct communication.
Yes, I know it’s awkward and scary, but a conversation about defining the
relationship is important.
With a Taurus man, though, you want to do this in a way that doesn’t
come across as an ultimatum.
Instead of ‘So, it’s been a year, before we go any farther, I am giving you
a month to decide if we are going to be official or not…’
You want to aim for ‘I really love being with you and I value the time we
share. It is important to me to know what this relationship is to you and
what your expectations are. We’ve shared so much. I appreciate that.
This is exactly what I dream of when I think of a solid, committed
Lead him into a conversation where you can both learn from each other.
What are his expectations? What are his ideas (or fears) related to
commitment? Is the expectation for monogamy? Where does he see the
relationship going?
Women often tell me they are afraid to have this conversation because
they don’t want to scare him away. That’s understandable. A month,
three months, maybe even six months in it can certainly seem
intimidating. But after a year this is a completely appropriate
conversation. If he is not able to entertain a discussion about
commitment, he’s in a sense given you the answer.
Best case scenario, though, you’ll come away from the conversation
knowing exactly what you both want and if this is going to be the
relationship you think it is.

“I Made a Taurus Man Mistake, but I Recognize it Now…
Is There Hope for Another Chance?”
Julia wrote in with a complicated situation.
Like me, she’s a Gemini woman in a relationship with a Taurus man.
After her relationship with a Taurus man became tense, she made a very
common mistake of overanalyzing his aloof nature. That was before she
read Taurus Man Secrets. Julia writes:
Dear Julia,
Yes this is a difficult situation. Thanks so much for reaching out.
On the one hand, there are benefits to not contacting him for a period of
time and giving him space to miss you. He knows how you feel about him
and if you have expressed your insight about your past reaction being
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Like you, I am a Gemini. I wish I had read your Taurus Man Secrets book
sooner! But, I am afraid I’ve made a mistake. My Taurus man is exactly
everything you describe.
I made the mistake of thinking his going quiet meant something was
wrong. I overanalyzed then overreacted. Since then I’ve read more about
him and I finally understand why he was acting that way.
But it may be too late now, because he’s turned cold.
I want to try to explain that I’ve learned from the past, but I don’t know if
that is going to drive him away further.
I haven’t pursued him, only to reach out and wish him a ‘Happy Birthday.’
He responded thank you right away.
We’ve texted on occasion, but it’s nothing like it used to be.
Is there any hope?
Julia, 43, Gemini
influenced by overthinking and fear, then he has very good insight into
your past reaction.
He still may need space.
As a fellow Gemini I know this dance well. You are an analyzer, thinker
and communicator. He has a slower pace and needs to feel the truth of
the matter in his body before he can come to a conclusion.
As for the question of contacting him to wish him a Happy Birthday, here
is where I would break with some of the professional advice in this
Since you’ve had recent contact and a serious attempt at another shot at
the relationship not too long ago and since you’ve had occasional contact
since, if I were you I would go ahead and wish him Happy Birthday.
I would do a lot of grounding. Meditation and self care first. Because it’s
important that the purpose of the communication be clear. You don’t
want to send a message of ‘happy birthday’ followed up an hour later
with several paragraphs of soul searching, emotional explanations and
plead your case for another chance.
The purpose is to acknowledge it is his birthday and wish him well, that is
all. This is the hard part. Because its natural for us to want this
communication to be a door opener. The truth is, it may or may not be.
Let go of expectations and deliver the message. Let the rest be up to
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Starting on the wrong foot… Lesley’s Story
Sometimes a mistake can erode the foundation of a relationship, but
we’re always growing and learning. There are always opportunities to
make the best of a situation as long as doors of communication stay open.
Lesley shares her story of miscommunication and mistakes that she’s
learned from.
Dear Lesley,
Thank you so much for reaching out, I am so glad you did!
There are actually a few issues here. The distance can go either way with
a Taurus man. It feeds his desire for independence and his territorial
instincts so that can help when you are both getting established.
But at some point he will want to know there is a more ‘solid’ physical
future and yes moving to be close to him is the likely solution because
usually he’s resistant to change.
But there are a few complicating factors in this situation.
The issue with honesty. Yes it was a mistake and you’ve acknowledged it.
But Taurus is notorious for holding grudges. Instead of seeing it as an
innocent matter of not wanting to get into private details early in the
relationship, he will hang on to it as a red flag early on which makes him
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I’m in a long distance relationship with a Taurus man. That is tough
When we first dated, he asked if I had sex with anyone recently before
seeing him. I wasn’t fully honest and said ‘no’ but he found out after we
This will make it hard to trust but not impossible. Be consistent and
honest here on out and let him decide if the overall pattern of consistent
honesty overrides the early lie.
Remember also you have the right to say ‘I would rather not talk about
the details of my sex life before our relationship, I want to focus on you.’
Because bottom line is, what happened before your relationship is
irrelevant to him. He may be jealous and insecure and searching for clues
that validate his insecurity.
If this is the case a lie will set off more red flags than a strong
boundary reminding him your past is not his concern.
The other complication though is the pandemic. This situation has Taurus
men everywhere on edge.
They are practical and don’t deal well with unknowns. They are also tied
to their career and financial security, both of which may be threatened.
Given all these factors it is understandable that he is taking things slow. I 
would say be open to trying to build the trust back which is hard at a 
distance and not impossible. If you have serious aspirations of one day
moving to be closer to him, let him know this but don’t make it a solid
plan until the foundation of the relationship also appears a bit more solid.
Help him find his security again and reinforce your dedication to the
relationship and trying to make things work in spite of the challenging
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He Only Reaches Out When He Wants to… I Don’t Feel
Like He’s Serious
Trudy wrote to me sharing that she felt guilty about having set a 
boundary with a long time Taurus friend. This man expressed attraction
but never showed interest in commitment.
Dear Trudy,
Your instincts are absolutely correct. Kudos to you for understanding your
worth and setting the boundaries you needed to set.
The hard part of love sometimes is that the emotional connection may be
there but the confidence to follow through may not be. I am sure to him
you are more than a friend and someone he feels comfortable calling on
when he is in need of reassurance and contact.
But in time you want and deserve to be more than that. It takes risks and
courage on his part and he is not ready to take those risks.
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Dear Anna,
I just broke up with my boyfriend of several months…. He only texted me
when he wanted something and was never really here for me.
I tried to be patient but after a while started to feel like it was a matter of
self worth. So I broke things off with him.
Still, I feel guilty.
Was he being selfish? Is this normal Taurus guy response? Should I have
given him more time?
Do you think I did the right thing?
Your understanding, compassion and insight will help you attract a man
who is absolutely ready to step up to the plate because he will recognize
that you are worth investing his time and energy and even taking the risks
we all take in love.
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“He Acted Flirty, But Was Never Serious… Now I’m
We’ve all been there. And it doesn’t feel good.
What should you do if, like Lucy, you discover your Taurus love interest
was being flirty, but not serious?
No one likes feeling like they’ve been played.
If a Taurus guy has acted this way, he’s acting out of the immature aspect
of his nature. A mature Taurus guy takes his commitments seriously.
Dear Lucy,
Good question. Ultimately that depends on what is most important to
you. If letting him know how his actions impacted you is important, then I 
would say one last contact to let him know how you feel can accomplish
But, doing that can also keep a door open that he may try to come back
in with justifications and excuses, making it difficult for you to set the
boundaries you need to set.
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Dear Anna,
I just found out this guy who was flirting with me for months on line and
sometimes in person was really not serious at all. He had no interest in a 
real relationship.
I don’t know if I should curse him out or just forget it and move on. I’m so
What do you think?
If you just go on with your own life and focus on what you want in your
life rather than the negativity associated with him, that may be better
for you.
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“He’s Hot and Cold, and I Don’t Want to Get Hurt
Dear Dusty,
Thanks for writing!
I can totally understand your hesitation. Yes, it is scary to feel vulnerable
when you don’t know where things will go in a relationship. But the truth
of the matter is, no one ever really knows for sure. That is why
relationships always involve risk. That is why trust is so important. Yes it
does make you vulnerable but it also opens you up to new love and new
As for the potential for a Taurus man to run hot and cold, yes it’s in their
nature. I’ve recently come to redefine this in different terms though.
Hot means he feels secure. Maybe its because of the steps you are
following to attract him. Maybe its also because he just got a raise.
Either way, when he feels secure and comfortable he becomes more
Cold means he’s feeling insecure. Possibly because of something you did
but also possibly because he’s had a rough patch at work or because his
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Hey Anna,
I’m confused about what to do. Everything is literally going great with my
Taurus guy. But I’ve been hurt before and I don’t want to get hurt again.
He’s attentive and consistent and from reading your books it seems like
he does all the right things.
He does go hot and cold but we always talk through it and he’s so
understanding. I think I just need to be patient but I also don’t want to
waste my time.
What do you think?
Dusty, 56, Capricorn
mom is having health issues or because his stocks are tumbling and he’s
worried about his finances.
So you see there are many things that can make a Taurus man cool off,
not all are personal. Part of setting the foundation for a long term
relationship with a Taurus man means that there will be times that the
energy ebbs and flows. This is actually true of any relationship. It’s just
that a Taurus man has a way of turning things on and off more
Don’t personalize it, but try to learn how to minimize the instances of
disconnection. This is ultimately what he does to make himself feel
secure. So it’s kind of like the Taurus equivalent of smoking cigarettes.
Not the best thing to do, but it is his habit and you can try to help him
create healthier habits for coping with his insecurities.
Having looked at his chart, he has a LOT of energy in Earth signs. His Sun
and Venus are conjunct each other in Taurus which makes him extra
romantic and sensitive. He may also be extra materialistic because he
associates materialism with love and security.
Also, though he’s got a stellium (three planets or more) in Virgo so
actually in some ways he may resemble a Virgo as much as a Taurus. Virgo
is also an Earth sign but tend to be a little more analytical and detail
oriented. They can be good communicators of factual, detailed or tedious
information but not as eloquent. So be aware that sometimes he’s
speaking to deliver information and it may come across as cold but that
isn’t his intention.
He has Moon in Aquarius which can be fascinating. Basically, he has a 
deep desire to be seen as special and not like other people. He can also
have dramatically changing moods though usually after he vents a little
he resumes stability thanks to all the Earth Sign energy in his chart.
You have a stellium in Pisces so your energy can at times resemble Pisces
as much as your Sun Sign. Also your Venus is in Scorpio so you value
digging beneath the surface and getting at the truth. A Taurus man is
usually very honest and values truth as well but his comfort zone is more
surface level. So just be aware that you may feel driven to deeply
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analyze things and that can feel overwhelming to him. Still not a bad sign
just an example of ways that you learn to adjust to each other’s styles.
Have faith in yourself and trust in the process, it’s all about growing
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“He Won’t Leave His Wife, But He Also Says He Doesn’t
Wantto Lose Me! Help!”
Dear Marcia,
This is a difficult situation. A Taurus man is slow to change and will avoid
disruption at any cost, especially disruption to his family even if he is
unhappy. His assertion that he will not let you go may seem romantic, but
given the circumstances it also seems to be more about him than it is
about being fair to you.
After all, if his desire to not lose you prompted him to get a divorce that
would show the lengths he is willing to go to for the relationship.
Although it is also very unlike a Taurus man to leave the home while he
still sees himself as the provider and caretaker for children. Even if he is
unhappy, this strikes right into his desire for security.
He wants to be comfortable but this is keeping him stuck and potentially
you stuck in this triangle.
Your best bet is to move on from this person as heartbreaking as that is.
Look at it this way, you deserve to be with a man who is ready to make
the relationship with you a priority as opposed to someone who doesn’t
want to lose you but doesn’t want to move on to start a life with you
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Dear Anna,
My name is Marcia and I’ve been seeing a Taurus guy for a while now, it’s
been over a year. He’s married. He has kids with his wife but he doesn’t
love her. Still, he says he won’t divorce because she will keep the kids
away from him.
So we can never be official unless he does. But he also says ‘I won’t let
you go!’
Do you think he’ll ever get a divorce? What should I do?
I can’t say he’ll never get a divorce but at least while he sees himself as a 
provider for the kids it is highly unlikely that he will rock the boat at
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“I’m Learning all I Can, and Ready to Advance the
Relationship, but He Moves So Slowly!”
Heidi wrote in to express her frustration. She’s been with her Taurus man
for over two years. It’s been rocky. She’s a Scorpio and has read several
books in the Taurus Man Secrets series.
She’s ready to work through their past troubles, but writes:
Dear Heidi,
Yes you certainly have done your research, in perfect Scorpio form! So
give yourself credit because you are definitely pulling out all the stops
you possibly can to fight for this man you love.
Here are a few suggestions I would make in addition to what you are
already doing:
You’ve taken on the mission of learning as much as you can about him
which is fantastic. Also, remember that your relationship has built up
history that may have played out a little differently if you had known
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Dear Anna,
I have a complicated situation with my Taurus man. I want to improve
when I make a mistake, so I want him to tell me about his triggers so I 
can work through them with him and learn how to better communicate
with him.
…….every time I try to move on from the past and just try to learn from
our past issues, he just gets stuck.
I try to understand what happened in his past relationships that make him
act in certain ways. He doesn’t open up about his other relationships.
I try to understand the reasons for our arguments but it’s so hard when
he shuts down all the time!
What should I do?
Heidi, 42, Scorpio
then what you know now. This is not to make you feel guilty, what’s done
is done. But to emphasize that you have power now that you didn’t have
before. That is, you have deeper understanding. Don’t underestimate
Now for the larger picture, imagine you are in your car in rush hour
traffic. Whatever caused the bottle neck takes hours to clear up.
Everyone is frustrated and honking their horns. Even people who tried to
be reasonable and assume there must be a good explanation for the hold
up are now getting frustrated.
Finally, the road opens up again. Cars are passing through, but there is
such a backlog that it still takes time before the people in the back of the
line see things ease up.
This is what you are going through with your Taurus man.
On the brink of crisis in the relationship, you’ve started to make some
headway clearing the roadblock. But the attachment to old history and
fear about the future keep triggering new conflicts.
Your instincts are to dig deep and uncover the truth. His instincts are to
ground himself like an anchor until he feels secure.
Stay in the present. Help him feel secure. Find outlets for your emotional
needs because right now he is avoiding intensity. He’s not able to talk
about his feelings and the future (the very things that make you feel
secure) because he’s bracing himself for what he sees as an ongoing
Let the storm quiet down, for both of you. Then focus on the present.
Try your best to position yourself as an ally to him. Your signs are polar
opposites which can work wonderfully but also brings out the tension
from issues each of you avoid and lessons each of you needs the other to
role model.
Also, remember that both your signs are incredibly willful and when the
friction and tension galvanizes around an issue, the obstacle can become
more important than it needs to be. It can actually distract from the
connection. You both get tunnel vision. One of you (and this will likely be
you) needs to step back and remember the reason for the connection.
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Nurture the connection, don’t try to take on all the conflicts at once.
When patterns from the past are triggered, take a cue from your Taurus
man and ground yourself in the moment.
Right now, what is the most important thing?
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A Case of Trouble Shooting with Astrology
Dear Natasha,
I must say, it was very exciting to take a look at your charts! There is a 
fantastic foundation in this relationship. All relationships are a matter of
growth and learning and sometimes even the bumps in the road help to
contribute to that learning process, but you have some really promising
factors in your charts.
I did things backwards at first, going into the charts ‘looking for trouble’
or trying to identify what could be the areas that can bring conflict.
So I will start with the challenging or potentially challenging aspects of
the relationship. Your Taurus fellow has Mercury opposite Uranus, which is
not bad but can lead him to have erratic tendencies in communication
when he’s feeling triggered by something.
The triggers don’t even have to be bad. It can be a sudden obsession with
a new hobby or desire to lock himself in his room and play guitar for
twelve hours straight. Though he seems a little too practical to do that
exactly, but you know what I mean.
His Mercury in Aries can make him very open about discussing a variety of
topics at surface level, but bring challenges when it comes to getting
more into the emotional side of things. This can be difficult for many
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Seeing a new guy. It’s going great. Our dates of birth are (edited out for
What do I need to know that COULD go wrong so I can avoid any
problems in this new relationship?
Natasha, 46, Virgo
women in relationships with men who have this kind of pattern of
expressing themselves, however you have most of your planets in Earth
and Air signs which gives you intellectual flexibility but also practicality.
He shares that makeup having most planets in Earth and Air and just a 
little more Fire signs than you.
I notice neither of you have a lot of key planets in Water Signs which
means romantic relationships can still be deep and nurturing but may
take on a more practical rather than sentimental nature. This is good in
the sense that you both speak similar ‘languages’ in love and one will not
be feeling that the other is not emotionally expressive enough.
Honestly, it looks like there is a strong connection here and that if or
when issues do arise, they will arise for key Karmic and growth reasons.
I say this because of the aspects in your Synastry charts. His Mercury in
Aries for example is Trine your True Lunar Node. The Lunar Node is
associated with Karma and destiny, bring brought outside your comfort
zone to fulfill your purpose. So his communication style or ideas or
something he teaches you may make you uncomfortable at first but
actually is a part of your awakening.
Also his Sun in Taurus is trine your Sun in Virgo so there is an easy flow of
energy and mutual understanding. Trines are considered ‘lucky’ because
the energy flows openly.
His Mars and Venus are conjunct each other in Gemini. He can be
impulsive and easily fall in love with ideas and communication. So he’s
more intellectually geared toward romance and fantasy than the average
Taurus who is more concrete usually.
His Mars and Venus are conjunct your Uranus in Libra. This is interesting
and also signifies potential challenges but also destiny-driven changes.
Uranus is the revolutionary planet. This planet is associated with erratic
changes, shocking events and the type of breakthroughs that are not
always what they seem.
When Uranus triggers an event it may seem good but turn out
challenging, or seem challenging then turn out lucky and so on.
Ultimately Uranus always leaves openings for advancement, it’s just the
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journey to this advancement can be a little shaky, or exciting, or
dramatic, or adventurous. Uranus always keeps you guessing.
So when his planets of passion and romance (Mars and Venus) are trine
(easy flow of energy) your Uranus in Libra, it shows that his style of
expressing his love and passion can lead to dramatic breakthroughs in
how you understand balance, partnership, the arts, culture and fairness.
Again this doesn’t have to be a ‘bad’ thing, but if there is going to be a 
challenge to this relationship it would likely come from this unpredictable
Uranus energy.
I would say, be very open to where this journey takes you.
Also his Moon and Jupiter are conjunct each other in Capricorn and they
trine your Venus in Virgo. This is a very good sign for emotional
understanding and commitment. His deep desire is for security and
commitment and he easily feels secure in this relationship.
I hope this helps. If there was any single message of advice it would be to
balance your Earth Sign nature with your intellectual curiosity and
openness and look at this relationship as a very positive adventure that in
some way will bring you closer to fulfilling your destiny and mission in
this lifetime.
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Is He ‘Just Being a Taurus’ or is this a Warning Sign of
an Immature Taurus Man?’
Dear Angie,
A Taurus man can be quite the enigma. Keep in mind there are some
Taurus men who are self aware and ready for the love and commitment of
a relationship, and some who are not. Those who are not ready will act
demanding and the relationship will be one sided because they aren’t
ready to give.
If your Taurus man is not acting with the basic respect toward you as his
partner, it may be a sign he is not ready for a relationship. It may be a 
red flag that he is interested in the pleasures of love but not in the
responsibility of acting loving.
He will feel intruded on if you are trying to pull emotional responses from
However, also keep in mind that a Taurus man even in the best of
circumstances, is minimal with his emotions. He doesn’t like to show
vulnerability. He will talk about his ‘feelings’ through concrete things.
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Hi Anna,
I have a long, complicated issue with my Taurus man….
He said “I love you” early in the relationship. But it seemed like even
though he made efforts to see me, after a while he was focused on
He sometimes turns cold, but then he comes back and actually acts
really possessive….
I don’t really know how serious he is. Is he just being a Taurus? Or are
these signs he isn’t serious?
Rather than talking about feeling angry or scared, he’ll talk about his
stomach being sick. Rather than talking about feeling stressed out, he’ll
talk about his head hurting or he’ll talk about how his financial situation
isn’t what he wants it to be. He will focus on the facts and objective
things he can feel or sense, not on his underlying emotions.
Ultimately you may have to step back from this situation and evaluate
whether the affection and attention this person shows you is based on
mutual respect or if it is more about his demands and needs. If you don’t
see evidence of mutual respect, this is an indicator he is not ready for a 
mature relationship.


Stella’s Story
Stella wrote in with similar red flags. She has been dating a Taurus guy for
a while. He just turned 21 and he has shown erratic inconsistencies. He
can be aloof and shy away from affection. He also has a possessive
Dear Stella,
I am so sorry to hear you are getting the run-around treatment from your
Taurus love interest.
A few things about your situation really stand out.
First, he is a young Taurus man. Now regardless of age, there are
differences in how a Taurus man will show his love and attraction,
depending on his level of self-awareness and maturity as well as his level
of experience in relationships.
It isn’t always age dependent, but I think of it as more or less selfawareness.
It is possible that your love interest, a Taurus man who recently turned
21, has some lessons to learn about romance and self-awareness. I say
this because he does show some promising signs (such as being open
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Dear Anna,
I’ve been dating a Taurus guy…he just turned 21. He says he loves me
and will act really into me. We have an amazing connection. I read that
Taurus can be hot and cold. I notice he does this.
He’s never had a serious relationship before. He gets angry and shuts
down, sometimes he acts like he doesn’t really want to commit.
Is this lack of experience? Or am I wasting my time?
Stella, 23, Leo
about the fact that he cares about you and his recent reply to your
It seems this young man may be learning important lessons about himself
and relationships and going through his own life transitions which can
unfortunately bring out the confusing sides of his personality.
Even the most self-aware Taurus man does the two steps forward, one
step back dance in love.
It’s because he values security and stability so much that he treads lightly
into any unknown territory. Even if that territory is a loving relationship
he truly desires.
He’s a hopeless romantic at heart but he also has very firm boundaries
and retreats into his own territory when things get too complicated.
What could be complicated to a Taurus man?
Feelings, vulnerability, decisions about commitment, just to name a few.
Now, a mature, self-aware Taurus man may have a conversation about his
needs and how he is feeling ambivalent about moving forward because he
isn’t sure if he is really ready to be the serious, committed man you
An immature, less self-aware Taurus man or a Taurus man who is still
learning about his boundaries in romantic relationships, may just turn
cold. He may send mixed signals, flirt then back down when his pride is
hurt if you don’t respond the way he was hoping. He’ll dip his toe in the
water to test the temperature, but even when he’s comfortable he will
hesitate before diving in to the pool.
It is promising that he responded. Even his confusing manner of wanting
the best of both worlds is still a good sign that he values your connection,
he just isn’t sure of where this connection fits in his life. Chances are
he’s equally unsure of himself and what direction his life is going at this
My advice to you is to keep your own boundaries. Don’t personalize his
hot and cold response. See it instead as some days he’s more secure,
some days he’s less secure. He is entering this relationship like a man
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first learning to rollerblade. When he feels shaky, he heads for the
security of the safety rails. He isn’t ready to rollerdance with you under
the disco light in the middle of the skating arena, yet. He may get there,
the question becomes is it worth the wait for you?
If so, be patient give him a little more time. Be friendly and
understanding but be open to the fact that he may change his mind. If
substantial time (a few months) go by and no change, then consider that
it is best to start to let go and move on.
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“What is He Thinking?”

Thank you for writing. I am so glad you reached out.
My heart goes out to you being in this difficult situation. While I don’t
know exactly what is going on in the mind of your Taurus love interest, I 
can say there are certain things that are clues that a Taurus man is
A mature Taurus man doesn’t give his word lightly. He may be flirty, but
he takes his commitments seriously. A mature Taurus man may be distant
at times, but he would not do some of the things that you are describing.
Here are a few specific red flags from your situation:
He is primarily contacting you via text. A Taurus man is sensual, he wants
to be physically connected to you. The fact that he doesn’t follow
through and only contacts you via text is a red flag, especially after all
this time.
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I need help with my Taurus Man. I’m totally confused. My Taurus man
opened up to me three years ago about his feelings. I was so excited.
My problem is he doesn’t keep his promises. He texts me and it’s
been brief lately.
He texts me every ten days or longer now…he told me he loves me
via text and asked me to marry him through text as well.
He once told me he wants to spend the rest of his life with me but
abroad. Once told me he loves me doesn’t know how to deal with it??
I’m totally confused. What is he thinking?
Another HUGE red flag is that he asks you to marry him via text. A 
serious, mature Taurus man would not be so casual about such a serious
proposition. This is an indicator that something is off. It could be any
number of things, so I don’t want to guess. But the bottom line is this, he
is not showing you the respect and interest that a mature Taurus man
would show if he truly was feeling an emotional connection.
I know this may be heartbreaking to hear, but it would be best for you to
not give more energy and focus to him because he is not reciprocating
from a place of serious love and attraction. The more you work on your
confidence and self worth, the more you will realize you deserve much
better than what this person is showing you.
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“Am I Competing with His Career?”
Dear Annalisa,
Thank you so much for writing.
This is a difficult situation, no doubt. There are a few promising
components that I would like to point out.
Some of the things you are finding frustrating (understandably so) such as
his attachment to work, his apparent ambivalence about letting others
know your situation and not having met his kids yet, are typical of Taurus
men. Especially a Taurus guy in transition, like your love.
A Taurus man feels incredibly insecure during times of change. He wants
things to be clear and finalized. He wants to know exactly where he
stands. Yet he will hold on for financial or other security purposes
(speaking to the issue with the separation not being finalized).
So he is already in limbo in terms of his relationship status and as much as
that stresses you out, it stresses him out even more. So what does he do?
As a Taurus man, he throws himself into work.
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Anna, Help me!
I really love my Taurus guy, and I’m trying to be patient.
But he focuses so much on his work. How do I get him to pay more
attention to me?
He’s recently divorced and still hasn’t told his kids about us. I know the
divorce was hard, but he doesn’t talk about his feelings.
What should I do?
Annalisa, 53, Scorpio
He would do that even on a good day, but during stressful times it is
The fact that he tells you he loves you and wants a future together is
tremendously good news. Yes, I know these words may seem shallow
when he isn’t stepping up to the plate in practical ways.
If he was not a man going through a separation, in other words if he was
unattached or divorced, I would say this is a red flag. But given his
situation of being in limbo, it is actually more on the normal side for a 
Taurus man to be vague about the boundaries because technically he’s in
a grey area.
Having said all of this, as a Scorpio woman, it is no surprise much about
this situation upsets you. You are devoted to truth and stripping away
distractions to get to the core of the matter. He is about covering his
wounds and feelings with distractions.
A perfect cat-and-mouse game in the making because he is not dealing
with the wounds and stresses of his situation but is also very much feeling
secure and connected with you. Truly, if he was not feeling the desire to
have a future with you, he would not talk about it.
However there still comes a point when he needs to step up to the plate.
This puts the ball in your court in some ways. Even if his intentions are
good, at some point you want your lives together to be official and
advancing. Give yourself reasonable parameters to look for progress. If by
a certain time that you are comfortable with he hasn’t made progress
with clearing up the divorce and moving forward with you, it is a red flag.
If he does clear up the divorce in time and then still holds back regarding
making your relationship known to others, it’s a red flag.
But for now he is still on shaky ground and not completely secure in his
new post-marriage life. So building something new is tricky for him. If you
discuss this with him, it’s important to speak about what you need
without it coming across like you’re putting pressure on him or giving
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Understanding Normal Communication and Routines
with a Taurus Man
Dear Lillian,
It’s so exciting to be on a journey of new blossoming love. A few things
that are great signs already with your relationship- you have consistent
contact, even if it is not as frequent as you are hoping.
Also you know that your Taurus man is on a schedule and not keeping it a 
mystery as to why he is only available one day each week. The fact that
the communication is great when you’re together is a really good sign.
His not telling his daughter is also a completely normal Taurus-protective
response in this situation for now. If after a year or more substantial time
this is still the case, then maybe another story but even then, a Taurus
man will be veeeery cautious about overlapping different aspects of his
personal life. Especially with his children because he will naturally feel
protective of them and want to be sure that everyone will get along.
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Started dating a Taurus guy. We’re really compatible, but there are a 
few things he does that get under my skin…
He’s so regimented. I want our relationship to become more
spontaneous, but our time together instead ends up being on a tight
I don’t like feeling like he has to ‘pencil me in’ to his calendar….. He’s
not the best communicator, and I wonder if there is anything I can do to
help him open up more….
Also, he has a teenage daughter and I haven’t met her yet. Aside from
this, he is consistent and attentive. We’ve been dating for a few months
Is this a bad sign? What can I do about this?
Lillian, 41, Cancer
He doesn’t want to rock the boat in any way.
Now as for the communication.
It is actually not surprising that he doesn’t keep up the great
communication when you’re not together. This unfortunately is a 
common Taurus man trait. Given the great momentum in your
relationship, I think it is safe to assume he thinks of you during this time.
So why doesn’t he reach out or talk more openly?
The obligations on his plate are likely one reason. But another has to do 
with the way a Taurus man thinks. He communicates out of practical
necessity, especially when you are not together. So it comes down to
he’ll say something when he has something to say.
I know that sounds strange. You may be thinking ‘Wait! Isn’t ‘how are
you? How are you feeling? What are you doing?’ important things to say in
a relationship?’
And you are correct.
But to a Taurus man, these are not practical questions. His only reason to
ask how you are doing would be to try to solve or fix something for you. If
he is not able to do that, he doesn’t understand the purpose of asking a 
question that doesn’t lead him to an opportunity to do something.
He genuinely doesn’t realize that to others this makes him seem aloof.
So a few things you can try include role modeling how you would like the
conversation to go. But be patient, treat it like he’s learning a new
Also, from time to time (not all the time or else it may feel like
neediness) show interest in getting his opinion or ideas about how to
solve a problem. Give him the chance to communicate with a practical
agenda. This is his comfort zone.
In addition, though, be aware that this is his way of managing his life.
When he’s around you, he’s tuned in to you because you’re there
physically. He doesn’t do abstract well. He still feels connected to you,
but when it’s work time or family time, he’s just as focused on those
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obligations and it just doesn’t occur to him to snap out of it and send a 
sentimental text.
You can try to initiate these types of communications but notice how he
responds. Some Taurus guys get the hint and respond in kind. Others start
to feel distracted and annoyed. Give it a try but observe if he is open and
reciprocates. If not, don’t persist with this strategy and instead give him
the space to do what he needs to do.
All in all there is a really good connection here and the two of you are off
to a promising start.

Courtney asks…. Will he ever make a commitment?
Dear Courtney,
I definitely understand the feeling of not being sure if you want to know
the answer to the question but asking anyway. That takes so much
courage and vulnerability, so thank you.
This is a tough situation. I definitely see a lot of potential in your charts.
There are good indicators for attraction with your Venus conjunct his Sun
in Taurus and also with his Mars being conjunct your Moon in Libra.
You both have Mercury in Gemini in close degrees as well, so there is a 
natural understanding and communication with each other.
This situation sounds like a matter of the potential being there, and the
connection being there, but the question remains is:
Is he ready/willing to currently fulfill his Soul Contract in this
It sounds like he is trying, but also confused because he has not resolved
his past relationship. He has Venus in Cancer which is a deeply
sentimental and emotional sign that can cling to the past even when the
present is much better.
Also, his process of grieving and healing is going to be halted by his
drinking or any other behavior that allows him to ‘escape’ his feelings.
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Hi Anna,
It’s kind of a long story and I don’t know if I really want to know the
answer to this… but my Taurus boyfriend and I have such a great
connection, but he’s had a difficult past relationship and I don’t know if
he’s ever going to really make a commitment. What should I do?
I am not suggesting he has a ‘drinking problem’ but for a Taurus man, any
pleasure seeking behavior that enables him to avoid dealing with his
feelings will naturally slow his process.
It is best to set some clear boundaries and see how he responds. By
boundaries, what I mean is that it is best for you to focus on what you
need to do for your growth and advancement in the near future. Let him
know how you feel about him, and what you desire in the future for this
relationship, but also let him know that it seems evident that he is not
ready for that and so you respect his space and need to get clear about
what he wants to do.
Don’t expect an immediate turnaround. In fact, it is best to surrender
expectations. The ball is in his court to some extent. You don’t need to
compete with his ex, you’ve already proven that you’re the real deal, and
my sense is he knows it.
It’s just a pesky aspect of Venus in Cancer combined with numerous
planets in Taurus that keep him from easily letting go of the past.
Let him show you in the mean time what he is ready for. If he keeps some
consistent communication, that is a good thing. But take a cue from his
patient Taurus nature and hold back a little. Wait to see how he emerges.
Does he make efforts to take better care of himself and work through his
grief? Does he run away and indulge in other escapist behaviors?
If that is the case, I know it is heartbreaking to think about. But think of
it this way, he is going to show you what he is ready for and it will be a 
gift to you to know what you can or can’t reasonably expect from him.
If he is showing you that he’s not ready to value you the way you deserve,
it is best to move on. Some things you mention indicate he is struggling to
find the value and worthiness in himself. He needs to find that or else he
will sabotage himself because he deems himself unworthy.
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Katrina’s Story: I have to initiate contact, is this normal?
Dear Katrina,
Actually, as confusing as it is, a lot of what you are describing is very
typical Taurus man behavior. Some Taurus guys are more on the
affectionate side, others aren’t. But generally they feel more
comfortable being stoic and hiding their deeper feelings.
It is entirely possible that his additional caution comes from lack of
experience so its great that you’ve been patient with him
Some things I would look for after this much time has gone by:
How does he respond when you initiate contact and affection? Even a 
closed off Taurus guy is usually pretty affectionate when he’s serious.
If you hug and he stiffens up that is not the best sign, but if your
affection relaxes him but he just doesn’t initiate it that is more
Looking at his chart, he has Venus in Aries and usually a person with this
alignment is decisive in love, even a Taurus guy. So again, possibly his
newness to relationships. But I would look for him to become attached
and show signs of possessiveness (but don’t test his jealousy just to see…)
Also he should become more passionate and demonstrative when he is
feeling secure to open up.
Security is a big thing to Taurus men. He has Sun and Mercury in Taurus
so his communication style is more practical. He may be cautious and
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Dear Anna,
I’m in love with a Taurus man!
We’ve been dating for six months. He’s not very affectionate. I have
to always initiate contact. He doesn’t tell me how he feels about
reserved in communication and focus on helping to fix or solve things
rather than talking about feelings.
Your Venus in Taurus is conjunct his Mercury so that is a positive sign for a 
good connection between the two of you, but your styles are very
That doesn’t mean things can’t work, but it will take patience on your
It has already been some time but I would say in the next few months it
will be important to see if there are any signs of change. He has Moon
and Mars in Pisces so even his desires can confuse him sometimes. The
Venus in Aries can bring clarity but with planets in both Taurus and Pisces
he needs a lot of time in extroverted reflection to figure out how he
feels. These other aspects balance out Venus in Aries’ usual impulsive
passionate side.
The more he feels secure, the easier it will be for him to open up. Look
for ways to reassure him that you are serious and willing to be patient
and give things a chance. Initiate contact consistently but also look for
his response.
What you want to assess is whether he is just comfortable or whether he
is forming an attachment. Even this will take a little time because he’s
extra cautious.
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“He suddenly just wants to be friends! I’m
Dear Victoria,
I am so sorry to hear about your predicament!
It’s so hard when you allow yourself to become vulnerable in a 
relationship and suddenly, seemingly out of the blue, your loved one
decides they just want to be friends.
Although this is devastating, there are a few things I want you to know
are actually really good signs in this relationship.
The first is that your Taurus man has been with you for over a year. That’s
a really long time for him to be steadily open and walking through the
path that brings him closer to vulnerability. Even when a Taurus man loves
someone deeply, he’s slow to warm up enough to make that steady
Plus, even though it hurts you to think of him losing romantic interest and
just wanting to be friends, the fact that he wants to remain connected is
actually a REALLY good sign.
It shows that he still feels a connection to you. A Taurus man will
prioritize those he values. You haven’t lost value in his eyes as a 
connection, it’s more like he’s rearranging his priorities. This may be long
term, it may be temporary, only he can decide this. But it is actually a 
really good sign.
It means he doesn’t want to let you go, but he is getting cold feet about
moving forward.
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We’ve been together for a year and everything seemed to be going
great. Then out of the blue he said he just wants to be friends.
What went wrong?
It’s no surprise this happens just as you’re approaching living together
AND in the midst of a crisis.
Because both these things make a Taurus man panic. The crisis because it
could threaten his health or finances or both and that is a traumatizing
prospect for a Taurus man.
The move because it’s about to get serious-serious. He’s a territorial guy
by nature. Joining households with someone is a huge move for him,
almost akin to marriage. So for him to reconsider and then back down is
actually part of his nature.
It’s not a signal that all is doomed believe it or not.
But the best thing for you to do, if you are able, is to try to maintain the
connection even if you have to respect his boundaries and create some
boundaries of your own.
Your own boundaries will be what protects your vulnerable emotions from
getting too carried away. They will protect you from getting ahead of
yourself with expectations of him. Take the time you need to grieve the
relationship, but you don’t have to close the door altogether on this
Consider it a trial. What would happen if, just like much of the world has
put plans on hold because of the pandemic, we also put things on hold
and just see what happens?
Once the pressure is off (not that you were specifically putting
pressure on him) he may have a change of heart. The continued
connection in whatever form you can manage and still balance your own
need to grieve and process the loss, will help him remember why he fell
in love with you.
This is a difficult balancing act to carry out, but as a Gemini woman this
adaptability and flexibility is actually one of your superpowers.
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Feeling like a ‘habit’ not a love interest… Ellen’s Story.
Dear Ellen,
Thank you for reaching out.
There are a few very promising aspects of your situation that I would like
to point out. When you say you feel you are becoming a habit to him,
that may seem inconsequential but it is actually a really big deal.
For a Taurus man, that is.
As a Gemini woman, you look to communication to be the building blocks
in the relationship. Understandably so. For you, the more the better.
This is not how a Taurus man sees communication, though. Consistency
for him is a better indicator than volume. It is seldom in a Taurus man’s
nature to be talkative, which helps to explain his lack of interest in the
It’s also a good sign that he was vulnerable about his feelings even if he
did try to walk it back. By now you know that Taurus men are sloooow
moving and super cautious.
It is totally understandable that you were hurt by the lie when you would
have been fine with the truth. Don’t personalize this. He was holding
back because of his fears (likely playing out reactions from others in his
past, albeit unfair to you).
A good way to use this situation to help the two of you grow is to
acknowledge that you respect him and his boundaries (brownie points,
Taurus men are all about thinking in concrete terms and boundaries…) but
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We’ve just started dating, but I feel like his communication with me is
a ‘habit’ how do I get him to open up more?
Ellen, Gemini
that you also want him to understand that you are mature. You are not
the people from his past (reminders of this are helpful) and that you can
handle communication.
But don’t just say it, show it. Make this statement as nonchalant as
possible. Try to keep it in the same tone as “Hey, this restaurant is ok,
but I also like the pizza place down the street…”
His Moon is in Pisces and Venus is in Gemini so he has the potential to get
lost in his own fantasies and sometimes confuse such fantasies for reality.
There may be times that he imagines an argument that could happen and
then reacts as if it DID happen. His fears and tendency to overanalyze his
attraction on top of his Sun in Taurus cautious nature will lead him to be
cautious and sometimes confuse himself when it comes to love.
Good thing you are very clear with your communication, patient and
There is strong potential here. You may want to learn more about Moon in
Pisces, this can be a highly intuitive, romantic yet also extremely
insecure position.
In the mean time, take the consistency and continued communication as
a good sign, but also acknowledge your own feelings. If at some point
there is too little coming from him, you may need to look at it as him
being unwilling to overcome his past traumas and move on.
I don’t think things are at that point just yet though. Keep the consistent
communication, reassure him and show reminders that this is a new
opportunity, a clean slate, and that you aren’t like people from his past.
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Using Diplomacy to Soothe a Taurus Man’s Raw Nerves
Shirley wrote in to ask about communication with her Taurus man. She’s a 
Gemini and recognized her Taurus man shuts down when she says
something that strikes a nerve.
Dear Shirley,
That is an excellent question!
So as a fellow Gemini, this is a perfect example of the common
misunderstandings that arise between people of very different signs. To
us Gemini ladies, communication is the key to understanding which is the
key to resolving any conflict.
To a Taurus man, communication is…. Sometimes a bit of a nuisance.
Sometimes he feels communication is intrusive, sometimes it just plain
baffles him. Sometimes he likes it and sometimes it is a chore.
So I LOVE your question about using your communication skills to ask him
to not ignore you when he’s upset.
This sure is a rational, reasonable request….
Except to a Taurus man it is, yes, another situation he may not
understand the same way you do. Because the situation doesn’t look the
same to him as it does to us.
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I’m learning so much from you about my Taurus man! I’m a Gemini. I’ve
noticed over time that some things upset him because he shuts down.
But then he ignores me for a while and I can’t stand that!
I would like to ask him to just keep talking to me even when I hit a 
nerve, to not ignore me.
Shirley, Gemini
To us, this is a very clear and appropriate, mature request. “Hey, I 
definitely respect your boundaries and didn’t mean to overstep, so let’s
just keep talking and please don’t ignore me if I offend you
unintentionally, ok?”
A fellow Air Sign and even a Fire Sign would greatly appreciate that kind
of clarity and agreement.
No problem.
But to your Taurus man the scene went down a little different…
In his mind, a serious offense has taken place. Something striking a nerve
rattles him. When he goes into his silence it isn’t just about ignoring you
to discontinue the line of conversation.
In fact, he may not even see himself as ignoring you. That may not have
been his intention at all.
In his mind, alarms and red alerts have gone off.
Ok that’s a slight exaggeration, but you understand.
His preoccupation at that moment is regaining his sense of security.
In his world, it would be like if you accidentally left the stove on and set
the house on fire.
Yes, he still loves you and yes it was an accident but he can’t fathom how
to talk about a different topic right now because the flames haven’t been
put out.
At least in his inner world.
To us, changing topics and continuing to talk is no big deal.
But I love your idea and really think you’re on to something. I would say
that when you aren’t in the midst of one of these raw nerve moments, is
actually a good time to very casually state something like…
“I really value (magic word to a Taurus man!) how much we learn from
each other. I am really trying to be conscientious about respecting your
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boundaries (another magic word!). I think I am learning when I take
things too far and make you uncomfortable (validation! Yay! He loves
this!). It’s never my intention to hurt you, so if I say something you don’t
like, even though you may be upset, please know that it was not intended
to hurt you. I respect (bonus points!) your space and just want you to
know I am always here for you if you want to talk about things further,
but if not I also respect your wishes.”
In this statement (or some more casual adaptation of it) you’ve validated
him and shown him you understand that your way of expressing your
emotions differs from his.
You’ve taken the ‘battle’ out of trying to get him to open up.
You’re showing him you respect his need for space and you’re not
personalizing it. Now the next part is tricky. That’s the part where you
really do leave it up to him to respond differently or not. But even if he
doesn’t you’ve gone a LONG way to clear the road for more
communication when he’s ready.
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Why is He So Materialistic?
Dear Tanya,
Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing your experience.
So there are a few important things that stand out right away in your
Your Taurus man is acting in a way that would baffle a lot of people such
as not spending time with his loved ones but instead appeasing them with
gifts. This is a classic Taurus tendency. He is an Earth Sign ruled by
Venus so definitely a materialistic streak.
He’s not trying to be selfish. He’s actually extremely vulnerable, sensitive
as you say. To make things a little more complicated, there is the
Now as I read your email, before getting to that part it seemed like he is
showing typical Taurus traits in a less mature way, which happens a lot.
Someone born under this sign can become a workaholic, for example,
spending long hours at the office instead of personal time with family. In
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I have been dating a Taurus. He’s had a rough divorce and has a loving
family and kids. His daughter is 16.
I love this man but I notice he can be selfish sometimes. He works a lot
and he doesn’t spend as much time with me and even with his
He buys gifts, but she wants to do things with him and so do I. I feel like
he’s so hot and cold.
Is this normal? What can I do?
their mind, they are fulfilling their duty even as family longs for actual
time with them, not gifts.
But explaining that to a Taurus is futile because they feel compelled to
show their love through material means and by working hard. Sitting
around having family time seems strange to them usually unless they feel
they are being ‘productive’ in some measurable, tangible way.
I would say focus on ways to bridge the gap between his idea of
‘productivity’ and spending time with family (which is actually very
important and productive as we both know).
If he has some painful unresolved guilt or feelings about things that
happened in the past in his relationship with his daughter, or if he
se jí nějakým způsobem cítí odmítnutý nebo znehodnocený, bude se poohlížet po jiných
věcech, díky kterým má ze sebe dobrý pocit. K tomuto účelu slouží práce, kupování dárků, aby
ukázal, že je dobrým poskytovatelem služeb, a distancování se.